51| Awakening

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Sorry for not updating!
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
We're getting closer and closer to the end of book one!
Who's excited? Cuz I am!
BTW: thank you for 1.3k!!!!!!!
Thank you do much, let's hope the numbers only increase!

(Listen to Ends with a bullet – within my heart)

Two days have passed and he hasn’t come back yet. I stood up from the dinner table in silence, leaving a plate full of cold, poked chicken breast and salad. I didn’t glance at the queen or Caleb as I walked away, only a sigh left their lips.

“Eirisse,” Caleb called in a tired tone, but I ignored him as I closed the door behind me. I leaned against it, closed my eyes and let out a deep ragged sigh. I tried to swallow the painful knot forming on my throat, but it was difficult. If he thinks I will forgive him immediately as soon as he arrives, he’s wrong.

I opened my eyes and made my way towards the training field, hoping my mate would make it here in just a couple of minutes. I know, I contradict myself but it’s just inevitable, he’s my soulmate. I’ve been trying to keep my hopes up for the last two days but he just doesn’t show up and that disappoints me.

I wiped a lone tear that fell down my cheek as I jogged to the bows and arrows. I filled a quiver and headed towards the stable and guided my horse outside. I caressed his soft hair and placed my nose against his while taking deep breaths. I opened my eyes and hurried to get on the saddle. We started out slow, as I had him warm up for a couple of minutes.

I picked my bow and an arrow and our practice started. I aimed my target and got an almost perfect score, so we ran faster and did my best. I got a couple of perfect scores but others failed terribly.

“Damn it!” I cried in rage as I stopped the horse and threw away the bow and empty quiver to the ground in frustration. Why can’t he get here already?!

I cried in frustration once more. I’m not fit to be a princess, let alone fight to protect a portal. A tear rolled down my cheek out of irritation. All this practicing and hurting, better work in the end. I want to protect those I love and cherish, I must work harder for it.
“Ya!” I cried and the horse started running towards the woods as I directed him. The adrenaline rush I was feeling helped me sooth a little the desperation of his absence. I pushed harder without a specific aim of where I was going. I just needed alone time for a little while. The horse and ran deeper and I felt my palms burn from gripping the handle so tight. I loosened my grip a little, and the horse suddenly screeched and stood up on its back legs. I gasped as I let go of the horse and fell down on my back with a thud sound.

I groaned in pain as I tried to stand up but the horse wouldn’t let me. He kept on being restless and I looked around but saw nothing. I used my earth element to calm him down but it did nothing. He turned around and made his way back home in a hurry. I sighed when I saw him far away.

Stupid horse.

I stood up and moved my shoulders around, trying to ease the pain. I looked around and felt goosebumps, and that’s when I saw it. I froze at the sight.

A woman with straight, black hair walked slowly into the woods almost 20 meters away. She didn’t see me at all, her profile side was mesmerizing, she was too focused on getting to her destination without a worry. Her long purple dress complimented her tan skin as well and I blinked and decided to follow behind, curious as to why she was around here and where she was headed.

I hid behind a tree once in a while so she wouldn’t notice my presence. I peeked and saw her hair reach the middle of her buttocks and raised my eyebrows in surprise. I’ve never seen a girl have hair as log as hers. I looked at my hair and that’s when I first noticed how long it was. It reached my hips by now and I gasped. How could I have been so scatterbrained to not notice it?

Eirisse & The Witches of Luciferina BOOK I ✔[Slow Editing]Where stories live. Discover now