6, observe

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"Are you riding m- with me?" Jimin asks, smiling but a little flustered. (I hate myself :,) )

"Uh.. Sure." I nod, going with him to one of the two cars, alongside Hoseok, Yoongi, and Taehyung.

After everyone was accounted for, Yoongi starts driving behind Jin, silence filling up the car space.

Hoseok sat in the passenger seat, with Jimin and Taehyung sitting on each side of me. After a couple minutes of silence, Taehyung suddenly shifts so his knees face me, causing me to squeeze in more, and then moves to where our shoulders meet.

I blink in question but he says nothing, casually laying his head on the back of the chair.

Next thing, a warm hand covers just above my knee cap. Looking to my left, Jimin continues to scroll through his phone, an unreadable expression masking his handsome face.

My face turns red at his and Taehyung's sudden touch, my body stiffening. Taehyung shifts again, "Why are you so tense, loosen up some." He points out, pushing down on my shoulder to make me relax.

After awhile, I relax a bit more and rest until we get to the restaurant.


"We're here."

Everyone starts piling out of the car, not without Jimin "accidentally" slipping his hand down my waist and hip.

I read the sign as we walked up to the restaurant; Devil's Diner.

How ironic.

The second we make it in we're sat down at a table for eight, with a struggle, and served our ordered drinks.

*author casually skips the boring ordering part*

I sit quietly in the large booth, squishing myself into the corner and stare quietly. They all talk in lowered voices, either about something stupid or funny.

I start to watch their actions, observing how each of them think and do.

"You brat. Are you trying to argue with me?" I bring my eyes towards Yoongi, who was talking to Hoseok.

"Can you not argue now?" Namjoon massages his temples in distress.

"Hes the one trying to defy me!" Yoongi growls. "Just shut it. Both of you." Jin scolds but soon everyone is trying to join in and argue.

I press back against the chair in nervousness at the angered men. "G-guys?" I say quietly but my voice was over powered by theirs.

Suddenly, my eyes catch something. Is that fog? To my surprise, i find myself correct to see colored clouds of fog drifting away from the boys, floating above the table. Each color to match their sins.

My eyes widen, "u-uh guys!" I try to stop their arguing as their voices grow.

People start noticing us and I panick. "GUYS, STOP FIGHTING!" I yell loud enough to catch their attention. They look around and see the smoke, quieting down.

At this point everyone is staring. "Lets go." Yoongi mumbles and we quickly exit the restaurant.

Unedited :,)
Short update but this is a fill in chapter and an apology for not updating in awhile.

qotd: what did you do today? :)

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