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Sorry for not updating in a long time. Ive been working on school so I can end the year strong but I always make time to write story ideas! :) ill also try to update "Golden" by tonight. <3

Last night, things went a little fast.

We ended up rushing out of the restaurant and being pushed into the cars before getting out of there.

As we made it back to their house, most of the boys went straight to their rooms while others huffed down onto the living room couches, all obviously tired and mad at eachother.

I stand there awkwardly next to one of the couches in silence, not wanting to speak up and break the silence.

Hoseok suddenly stands, "Were you still hungry, Minji-ah?" He asks tiredly.

I shake my head, "I'm alright, Hoseok." I've lost my appetite tonight. "I'll be heading to bed." I say politely and he just nods, going past me towards the kitchen.

Now to current time, the next day, I decided to do the boys laundry after staring at the growing pile in unsatisfactory.

After gathering all the clothes into a white laundry basket, I walk up the stairs and balance the basket on my hip. As I quietly pad on the wood towards my room, I look side to side at the boys' room.

Then, I look at Jungkooks. I drop the basket.

Holy mother of-

There, standing in his room, I spot through the cracked open door a shirtless Jungkook with his back facing the door. I flinch at the loud sound of the basket and clothes dropping and I rushed to pick everything up in panick.

"Are you ok? Do you need some help?" I hear his sudden voice behind me. Crap! You stupid idiot Minji!

I hide my red face as he bends down (with a shirt on thank Jesus) and begins helping me pick up the clothes into the basket.

I hastily pick up the basket and bow quickly in thanks before speeding in record time to my room.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

I yell at myself mentally as I begin to fold the clothes on my bed.

After folding everything and placing the clothes into the laundry basket, I smell the aroma of something tasty and become hungry. I grab the snack that was given to me by one of the boys and head downstairs. As I walk past into the living room, i am suddenly called.

"Minji-ah!" Following the voice I recognize to be Jungkook, I see him sitting in a relaxed posture on the couch, TV playing softly in the background.

"Come here." He waves me over and I oblige, standing in front of him. "Sit." He suddenly tugs on my wrist and I fall next to/against him.

With a blushed face, I sit stiffly next to him as he rests his hand across the back of the couch with his eyes to the TV screen.

A few minutes of me trying to relax against the built boy, I am called again. "Minji-ah!" Its Jin, "Come taste this for me!"

As I begin to stand up, I'm suddenly weighed down by a strong force. It's Jungkook.

I look at him questionably, he grabs my arm and looks into my eyes.

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