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The plane was easy, nice actually. Sneaking kisses and nuzzling noses, every once in awhile I'd scope and make sure none of them were secretly cackling at us. The coast was usually clear, except the one time Jensen went to go to the bathroom and no one saw anything. I wasn't sure if Jensen thought I was joking or he thought I was serious. Nothing seemed to be slotting together fast enough, I wanted to go to the future and see how this relationship develops. I didn't want to wait, it was annoying to be this impatient. 

For now, I was enjoying the taste of Richard's lips. I was enjoying his smell and his hands, his smile and his little giggles when I'd purposefully bump and rub our noses. It was everything and it was perfect, I caught his lips again and he chuckled from his chest. He pulled away and something changed in his eyes, he looked like he was hit with a realization. He squinted at me and cupped my jaw with one of his hands, he was inspecting me or something. 

"I think I love you," he blinked and tilted his head a little more, "I thought it was just a... 'I'm in love' but this is like- I love you." I didn't really know what to say, I barely heard what he had said over my own heartbeat. 

"I kind of think the same thing," I said and bit my lower lip, "like I hate that it's been a day. I wish it was more serious than it is, it's been a day. I guess I'm impatient and I wanna see the future that we have, because I seriously see one."

"Ugh you make me feel old kid," he laughed and laid his head on my chest.

"If you're old then I'm totally into DILFs," I muttered and he punched me in the arm playfully.

"Gross," Richard muttered and I giggled. He picked his head up and sighed, I smiled and connected our lips. He pulled away the seat belt sign blinked and beeped, I reached over to put his seatbelt on him. 

"I'm sleeping," I said and laid my head on his shoulder. 

"Have fun with that," Richard raised an eyebrow and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I closed my eyes and as I drifted to sleep I heard a small click.


I woke up and looked at my phone, the time indicated we were only on the plane for another 10 minutes. I nuzzled closer to Richard's shoulder and he huffed, a smile forming on his face. I opened my phone and went back to instagram, I almost never went on there but since my recent discoveries I decided that it was worthy of further research, Richard had tagged me in something so I opened it. There was a picture of me asleep on his shoulder, god it was so unflattering. 

"I look amazing don't I?" I scoffed and showed Rich the picture, he smirked an raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe not when you're asleep," he said and I laughed a little. I closed the app and cuddled closer to him, I wrapped my hands around his arm, adjusting closer to him. 

"Misha and Jensen are insane by the way," he said and I grunted a weird noise. 

"For all they know it's just weirdly platonic," I said quietly and he nodded. 

"How long do you want to keep it that way?" He asked more seriously, I shrugged. 

"I'd say a month or two weeks in," I answered and he agreed with a small nod, "or maybe by the end of our Texas visit." 

"How long are you staying?" Richard asked with a small shine in his eyes, he looked hopeful. 

"A week and a half," I said, "I'm gonna leave next Wednesday."

"You're staying with me," he said more than asked and I nodded. 

"Of course," I said and smiled a little.

"I forgot my sparkly pink butt plug at home so I might need you," he joked and I threw my head back laughing, "kidding I fuck my hand like a normal person."

"Same here," I said breathlessly since I'd been laughing. 

"What do you think about?"  He whispered and a ran his hand up my chest, my breath caught in my throat. Was he joking or not, I couldn't tell?

"Your mom," I joked and he sputtered out a laugh. 

"Way to ruin the moment," he giggled. 

"I'm good at that," I laughed. I swallowed a lump in my throat and the seatbelt sign blinked again, we were going to be landing soon. 

"I say we go straight to dinner with the guys and then we go to our special place?" Richard offered with a raised eyebrow, I smiled a little and nodded. 

"Sounds perfect," I said and laid back on his shoulder, "did we decide on a place or do I need to text Jensen?"

"Text him and figure it all out," Richard said and I picked up my phone. 

jen where we goin for dinner


well u and the guys pick sum and well figure it out 

k      oh and btw we can TOTALLY hear the sucking of faces

I blushed bright red, I blinked at my phone and I heard giggles from the front of the plane. I picked my head up from Rich's shoulder so he couldn't see the conversation.


eat my dick jen

rich is on that atm


love ya jar ttyl

I rolled my eyes and Richard raised an eyebrow at me, I shook my head and smiled.

"Jensen is a pest," I joked.

"I know," Richard laughed, "kiss me before we land and have to go to the world of people?" I laughed and pressed my lips to his, my chest tightened and my jaw felt tense no matter how hard I tried to calm down. I was stupidly in love with this man. I was very in love with him. 

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