Fit Together

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I woke up with Richard in my arms, curled up how he always was. I decided I need to talk to my mom, I NEEDED to. I removed myself from the small bed carefully and walked out, closing the door gently behind me. I walked into the kitchen, light poured through the doorway so I assumed someone was up. I went in there and it was just my mom standing with a pan and a cup of coffee, she grinned at me.

"How'd you sleep, dear?" She said much more cheerfully than anything she had said yesterday. 

"Fine, you?" I asked and she shrugged. 

"Got my fair share of sleep," she said.

"Mom I wanted to talk to you," I said and she sighed.

"About?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You know what," I said and she turned to look me in the face.

"Do you really wanna date a co-worker who is 12 years older than you?" She asked stupidly and furrowed my brow. 

"Him being my co-worker and being older isn't the problem," I said, "is it?"

"Jared I've always wanted you to bring a girl home," she said, "I always dreamed of you having children and a loving wife. I'd seen you close the door to your room when some boys came over, sometimes the door stayed open. One of the days it was closed, I couldn't believe the things I was hearing. I pushed it to the back of my head, assuming you grew out of it."

"Mom your dreams shouldn't be about me," I argued, "they should be about yourself."

"I'm old," she huffed, "I just wanted grandkids."

"It's not too late," I said, "there's adoption and maybe Megan or Jeff will have kids."

"Jared you were the one who always had a girlfriend," she said, "or boyfriend. You got my hopes up when I'd see girls come here glued to your arm when guys did it I just assumed it was nothing."

"I am not changing," I said, "I am going to do the same things with Rich as I would with a girl I was dating." 

"What does that mean?" She asked quietly.

"I'll have the same wedding, same kids, same happiness, same fun, same holidays, same family meetings, same everything. It's just that we'll both have a penis and none of you will ever know about that anyway, it doesn't change anything in the outside world. The only things that changes is what goes on behind closed doors." 

"Do you like what goes on behind closed doors?" She asked grimly, feeling defeated. 

"Immensely," I answered honestly, "more than most things in the world."

"I could deal it'll just... give me time please it's overwhelming," she said and ran a hand over his face. I smiled and wrapped her in a bear hug, she wrapped her arms around me. 

"Thank you," I said and she nodded. 

"I love you," she said.

"Love you too mom," I said and we let go of each other, "he means the world to me and you accepting him means the world to us both."

"Tell me about him," she says. I practically beam before rambling on and on about Richard, she listened to every word and in her head, I wonder if she was thinking of Rich or some imaginary girl she wanted me with instead. It didn't matter to me, she was trying to get used to things.


Hugging my mom and dad goodbye, it felt less tense this time. Hell, my mom even hugged Rich, thanking him for coming and visiting. She apologized to him and said she was happy that he was in my life, I didn't know what to make of how I felt. Happy. So utterly happy.

Dating your Coworker- The 12 Year DifferenceWhere stories live. Discover now