What's his name again?

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"I am gonna look sooo pretty tomorrow walking down the aisle in this", said Tasha swirling around in her lavender bridesmaid dress.

"Yeah, after all, it is your big day". Romona rolled her eyes.

"C'mon it might be Elsa's wedding, but everyone knows I am the prettiest daughter".

"Oh sure, you – "

"Girls, has anybody seen Elsa?" asked Mrs.Sophia holding the door knob, a concerned look on her face. She wore a purple saree embellished by small rhinestones, her black hair neatly tied into a bun. "And what are you girls doing not getting ready. We have to leave in thirty minutes!"

"She said she was going shopping....or something", replied Tasha. "What happened mom? You look worried".

"No, it's just that she isn't picking up her phone. I called like 14 times".

"Yeah, I think she needs some space. We were talking today and when I told her by this time tomorrow she was going to be Mrs.Elsa Varkey, she kind of started freaking out", explained Romona nonchalantly.

"Well, its almost 5 now and the rehearsal dinner is at 6:30. Can you girls call her friends and find out where she is? I've got a bad feeling about this", said Mrs.Sophia. She dialed some number on her smartphone and walked away looking anxious. "And get dressed. We're leaving this house in 30 minutes, make up done or not!"

"Wow! Tomorrow's going to be fun!" Said Tasha and Romona in unison.


Elsa, stop it! You are getting your ass back home and you are getting married to that man.

Who you've only seen like 5 times.

God, what will I do. Hey, that's a nice coat.

Ugh! Focus. Maybe I should go to Paris and start my life again. I could completely change my look, I can dye my hair and take a new name. And maybe I'll meet the love of my life at a café or something! God, I'm so stupid.

I should just buy this coat and go back home. Yes, that's what I'll do. I'll just go home and then I'll get married to-

I don't even remember his name!

"Are you alright there miss?"

Elsa snapped out of her thoughts and looked up from the coat she was holding to see a man, dressed in a suit smiling at her.

"Yeah", Elsa cleared her throat, "Do you have this in.....um... size small?"

"You are holding a size small Ma'am."

"Wha- oh! I'm so dumb!" Said Elsa managing a nervous laugh.


"Dad? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? We were so worried. Why aren't you answering our calls? You're getting marrie-"

"Dad, dad, please", hissed Elsa running over to her dad. "I know, I just got a little nervous and thought shopping might help me calm down a bit, that's all."

"Well, are you okay", asked Mr.Sebastian placing a hand on Elsa's shoulder. "Honey, you have no idea how worried mom and I was."

"Dad, everything's fine. It not like I was gonna run-away or anything". Elsa laughed trying to lighten up the mood.

Yes, you were!

Oh, shut up!

"I know you would never do that to me and mom", said Mr.Sebastian wrapping one arm around Elsa's shoulder. "Let's go now. Everyone's wai-"

Mr.Sebastians Iphone started ringing. The screen lit up to show a photo of Mrs.Sophia.

"It's mom", he told Elsa with a smile on his face and answered it. "Sophy, yeah she's with me......No, no, everything's fine. Yes we're coming over right now. Okay...Bye".

Elsa and her dad walked over to their car, a black Audi that was parked a few blocks away. Elsa's mind was buzzing with thoughts as they walked.

What was i even thinking! My parents.....I'm being selfish.

But what about your life Elsa? This is your life. Your wedding. It should be your decisions and your parents must be happy for you no matter what you decide to do.

Elsa was mostly quiet throughout the ride. She looked over at her dad. She knew she could never let him down. He and mom were the two most important people in her life. This wedding was so important to them, probably more than it was to her.

Maybe its all for the best. He seems to be a good person. Ugh! I still cant remember his name.

So that was the first chapter for my story. Kinda short, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please feel free to leave constructive criticisms. I'm not an expert at writing and I'm hoping to imprve over time. Please bear with me.

The next chapter might take some time. Actually, I was planning to only start this after my exams were over. But I was too distracted thinking about it and had to atleast upload one chapter so that I could get it off my mind. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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