Chapter 4 *A Single Picture*

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I started to walk to the local store where I had killed the man with the leather case hitting my legs with each stride I took.

"Sorry ma'm, your going to have to go to the store next to this store. This one is behind checked out, for clues and all." The police man had said.

I grumbled and started to walk out of the store and walk to the next store.

"Hello! Are you looking in anything particular?!" A random lady wearing a purple smock came right in my face and started to shout at me.

"Whaaaaat?!" I carried out my 'a' in an exagerated way.

"Do you need any help, Ma'm?" She asked.


I started to back away in a slow matter, hoping she wouldn't follow me. But then, she started to follow me.

"Ma'm, do you need help?" She had asked, more calmer.

"STRANGER DANGER!" I yelled and started to run.

I don't know how long I was running, but soon I looked up and saw Christmas trees around me and fake snow covering it.

"Did I run into Christmas...?" I asked. "I don't like this store..." I murmured as I started to back away to another aiel.

I looked around and saw canned food around me.

"Ew... Bread in a can? Is that healthy?" I asked myself as I picked up the can. I examined it and shrugged, deciding to keep it.

I mean, just in case I needed canned bread.

I walked out and looked forward towards the baby aiel.

"Right! Babies like baby stuff!" I exclaimed as I looked at a baby rattle. "Are they trying to teach babies to be a rattle snake!? I don't think that's right..." I murmured as I picked it up. "I want a snake neighbor though..."

I started to walk forward, having my present, and remembered I needed wrapping paper. I walked into an aiel that had both cards and and wrapping paper. 

I looked at the wrapping paper for one that wwould suit a baby shower.

"Aha!" I said. I picked out a black and red striped wrapping paper with a black swirly bow. "Perfect..." I murmured, admiring my choice. Then I strolled to the cards where I picked out a random one with a picture of a women in a hospital.

I started to walk to cashier until I realized that I needed spray cheese. I grabbed a cart and put the items including my leather case inside of it. I walking to the cheese section and saw NO spray cheese whatsoever.

"I need spray cheese," I said to a man in a purple smock.

"Oh, this is the only cheese product we"-

"WHAT?!" I shouted at him. He looked shocked, but then quickly said, "I'm sorry."

I grumbled and started to stalk away.

"It's not like I need spray cheese..." I grumbled. "Stupid store. Not selling the stupid sray cheese. So stupid..."

I walked to the cashire and gave him all my stuff.

"That will be 65 dollars and 7 cents." He said.

I looked at him shocked.

I knew I shouldn't buy the bread!

"That's too much... I'll take off the bread." I mumbled.

"Okay... that will be 57 dollars and 7 cents." He said.

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