Dares Kids

6.5K 19 0

. Did the silliest dance you can think of
. actt like an old man or woman

. Spin around 10 times after you've done tried to walk in a straight line

. Do 10 push-ups then do 10 jumping jacks

. Say the alphabet backwards within 30 seconds

. Go a whole minute without blinking

. Hold your breath for 10 seconds

. Act like a chicken for one minute

.sing itsy bitsy spider while standing on your head

. Do five cartwheels in a row

Do a backbend

Act like your favourite Disney person

Say "banana" after everything you say until it is your turn again

Make up a poem about the colour blue

Act like a monkey until it is your turn again

Do a handstand

Cross your eyes

Lick your nose

Eat a spoonful of peanut butter

Tickle the person to your right

Tie your shoe strings together and try to walk to the door and back

Act like a baby until your next turn

Moo like a cow as loud as you can

Do the sprinkler dance

Act like your favourite superhero

Go 10 minutes without saying the words: but, a, the, or

Act like a statue until it is your turn again (no talking or moving)

Meow like cat

Put your leg behind you head

Sing your favourite song

Make a fish face

Pretend that you are an airplane for 2 minutes

Dance like a ballerina

Say the alphabet in a different language

Do your best hip hop dance

Try to lick your elbow

Paint your fingernails with a crayon

Sit upside down in a chair until your next turn

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