Dares For Parties

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Take an embarrassing selfie and post it as your profile picture.

Remove your socks with your teeth.

Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning.

Fill your mouth with water, and each person in the group must tell the funniest joke they know. If you spit up the water, you have to eat a spoonful of dirt.

Go next door with a measuring cup and ask for a cup of sugar.

Let the group choose an item for you to brush your teeth with.

Write your name on the floor with your tongue.

Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers.

Stick a Hot Cheeto in you nose and leave it there for 5 minutes.

Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and like every post on their wall going back to a year.

Eat a whole piece of paper.

Lick a car tire.

Open your front door and howl like a wolf for 30 seconds.

Let the person to your right put duct tape on any part of your body they choose and rip it off.

I dare you to tie your hands to your ankles for the rest of the game.

Put a bunch of honey on your nose and coat it with flour.

Until the next round, talk super loud, like nobody can hear you.

Call your crush.

Take a shot of pickle juice.

Talk to a pillow like it’s your crush.

Pretend you’re a bird and eat cereal off the floor using only your mouth.

Make out with your hand.

Let someone else style your hair and keep it that way for the rest of the day.

Use a brush like you’re talking into a microphone each time you speak.

Color one of your front teeth black. (Eyeliner works!)

Pick your friend’s nose.

Lick the bottom of your shoe.

Fake cry.

Make repulsive sounds while eating and drinking.

Cross your eyes when talking.

Talk without closing your mouth.

Act like an animal of the group’s choosing.

Get into a debate with a wall.

Squirt your face with a squirt gun continuously while talking.

See how many grapes you can stuff in your mouth.

Hiccup in between each word.

Burp the alphabet.

Draw on your face with permanent marker.

Dip your sock-covered feet in the toilet and don't dry it off for the rest of the game.

Dump a bunch of legos on the floor and walk over it with your bare feet.

Eat a spoonful of mustard.

Jump into a dumpster.

Lift up the couch cushions, and if there is anything under it, you need to put it in your mouth for 10 seconds.

Spin around 10 times and try to walk straight.

Eat a raw egg.

Write a letter to your doctor describing an embarrassing rash you have, and post it on Facebook.

Let the group choose 3 random things from the refrigerator an dmix it together. Then you have to eat it.

Stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn.

Rub your armpits and then smell your fingers.

Dig through the trash and name everything you find.

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