Dares For Guys

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Draw a tattoo with marker on your bicep.

Give yourself a mohawk.

Shave off all the hair on one leg.

Put all of your clothes on backwards.

Hold hands with the person next to you.

Let everyone look through your search history for 2 minutes.

Send a romantic text message to a girl of the group's choosing.

Wear lipstick for the rest of the game.

Eat 10 Oreo cookies that are filled with mayo.

Pluck a single nose hair.

Eat a spoonful of wasabi.

Exchange shirts with the player to your right.

Lick peanut butter off of someone's armpit.

Kiss the person to your right on the back of their neck.

Eat a handful of uncooked rice.

Call a random guy and flirt with him in a girly voice.

Lick the toilet seat.

Tie your shirt up to expose your midriff and twerk.

Take a picture of yourself next to bra and post in on Instagram.

Write on Facebook: "I'm a size 36 C."

Color your teeth with lipstick.

Wear women's clothing and walk down the street. Then take a selfie and post it to your social media accounts.

Walk down the street in your underwear.

Knock on your neighbor's door and ask if they have a spare condom.

Wet your socks and freeze them.

Coat your hands in food coloring and don’t wash them off for 10 minutes.

Post something embarrassing on Facebook for 1 minute, then delete it.

Skype/Facetime someone and pick your nose during conversation.

Call a drug store and ask them which laxative is the most effective. After they answer, ask how many they have.

Make your ear touch your shoulder for the rest of the game.

For the rest of the game you can't say "I".

Walk like a crab for the rest of the game.

Cover your whole face in blush.

Eat a spoonful of sugar and act like you're really hyper.

Call a random girl from your class and tell her you want to break up.

Drink a soda and belch as loud as possible.

Mix orange juice and milk and drink it.

Bite all of your toenails off.

Put on mascara.

Snapchat a picture of your elbow and caption it: "My favorite part of my body."

Make up a wrap about koalas.

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