Dirty Dares:Girls

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Put a sock in your pants and pretend it’s your junk for the rest of the night.

Give a detailed presentation on your sexual moves in the style of a TED talk.

Take off your bra but leave your shirt on.

Try to take off your underwear without flashing anyone.

Put someone else's underwear on your head.

Draw eyes above your belly button and give a presidential address as this character.

Put a bra on your head and pretend you’re a DJ rocking it really hard for one minute.

Choreograph a new dance inspired by the act of doing and folding laundry. Make it sexy.

Take a picture of a tampon and post it on Instagram.

Put on a pair of heels and take off your pants (not in that order).

Grab a broom and do your sexiest dance with it.

Touch tongues with someone.

Shave one of your arms.

Demonstrate your best technique for you-know-what on your finger.

Do as many squats as you can. On the front lawn.

You have to entirely redress yourself with whatever you find in the kitchen.

Fake it for 10 seconds.

If you’re at your home, pretend you’re an auctioneer auctioning off your favorite grownup toy, giving details about why you like it. If you’re at someone else’s home, use something that looks kind of like it.

Use your butt to give a speech to the group about gas prices (or something else of your choosing).

Do your best sexy crawl

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