Love at first sight

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Once upon a time, I was sitting at my desk at school and I noticed a cute boy sitting in the back of the class. He had been in my class since kindergarten, but just now when I look at him I feel a sharp pain run up my body. He had short brown hair and the cutest smile along with his beautiful brown eyes. I knew it was love, but I didn't know if he felt the same way.

The next day I went to school and I really wanted to ask him if he felt the same. But, I was too ashamed. I thought he might say no. I started to walk to him and ask him but I just couldn't as I was walking to him, I felt sick like I was going to throw up.

At PE that day, I was telling my friend Mia about it. She had dated him before and she was going to tell him for me. But, I knew I had to tell him and not her.

The next part will be published April 26

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