Oh No!!!

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This morning, I went to school and neither Baylie or Mia was there. I was lonely all day, no one hang out with me at P.E or sat with me at lunch. The next day, I figured out that Mia was moving away. I was devastated I would be alone, but then, Baylie tried to comfort me.

That night, I cried my heart out. The next day I go to school and when I walk in everyone started laughing at me. I seemed normal and I never knew why they laughed at me

-3 Months Later-

Today was my birthday, one of the worst things were Mia wasn't there to celebrate with me. Then, that morning, Baylie broke up with me on my birthday. I felt like my life was over. I stayed in bed all weekend crying. The next day, I didn't go to school at all. I felt like there no point so my grades started slipping. My life felt like death.

The last week of school went a little bit better. I hung out with a few girls in my class and Baylie still hung out with me sometimes. That summer, I figured out Mia was moving back to my school.

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