Number Seven

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The moon was full on the night little Caresha went into her parents bedroom. She banged the door open making the both of them jump out of slumber and upright in bed.

"Mommy! Mommy make it stop! Please!" She yelled, but not only in fear. She yelled in that way where it was hard to hear so you had to be louder than the noise itself. Except to Careshas parents, there was no noise.

"Please mommy! Make it stop!"

Suddenly she let out an ear peircing scream..

"Make it stoooop!" She screamed again and again."Maaaake it stooooooop moooommmyyy! MAKE IT STOOOOOOOP!" Her voice was no longer her own and her eyes were shut so tighltly her eyeballs were nearly visible through the lids.

Her parents made a dash to her side trying to calm her. Asking her questions like, what did she hear. Make what stop.

Caresha had her hands on her ears trying to block out what only she could hear. Finnaly she couldn't take it any longer. She collapsed into her fathers arms.

  The two of them looked at each other. Fear the most dominant emotion on their faces. They watched in horror as blood poured from their seven year old daughters ears.

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