Chapter 1

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Angel was well aware why they had to move, and why her name was changed. Her parents had taken little Caresha to every doctor available. Some even flew in from the States to see her. She was labeled a freak from her various roomates and had gone through so many tests that showed absolutely nothing.

When they sent her to a  psychiatrist  Angel was old enough to put her foot down and say, "Enough! I am NOT crazy! I am NOT acting out for attention. If you can't make these voices go away then I will just have to live with them!" She was 10 years old.

The fact that they had to sell their house was devastating. Angel knew her mothers mother never wanted the property to go to anyone outside of family.

The guilt grew inside her and made her hate the voices in her head. She wished she was normal. Like her friend Alisha who lived next door and always showed off her new dolls.

She wished she didn't have to hide from doctors and psychiatrist . She wished with all her heart that she was just normal.

But it was to late. They sold the house and lived in a motel for a while until they could buy a new place.

That was when the hounds came. They barged in through the door of the motel looking for Angel as if she held the key to their problems. As if.... As if she wasn't just a freak but a special freak. And that night, while her dad fought them off, they fled into the night and never stopped running.

Later that week the whole family changed their names and had started a new life in the village of Agat. There was nothing else to do but to keep on moving on.

Angel, as she was named, had grown used to the voices and recognized them as others thoughts. She heard them all at once and had to really concentrate to hear just one person at a time. With this curse, she was able to hear her parents worries and fears. Angel had never felt more guilty in her life as she saw the house in her mothers head and the garden her father had dug up and the cat that they had to leave behind. Sad and afraid, she tuned them out and began to do her own thing. There really was no use in crying about the past. She just had to live her life as normaly as she could for her parents.

That is... until she turned fourteen..

The family had just about settled in when Angel got really sick. Her fever reached 106.7 degrees. Her parents freaked. They couldn't take her to the hospital. The doctors would wonder why she wasn't dead yet. The two people who knew Angel better than anyone on the planet knew that she was far from an ordinary child.

They took care of her until her fever went down but an unusual red tint to her skin stayed for days even after she got better. That wasn't the only thing that changed.

One night, while Angels recovery was obvious, her parents had left her bedside and went to get some rest in their own beds. Angel awoke from thirst and found her glass of water floating in the air right in front of her. She let out a squeek but left it at that not wanting to wake her parents. Her hands passed under the glass but she knew she was the one who called to it. There was no one else who could do this.

Sighing and a little less afraid than before, Angel took the water and drank it. She found that it was nice and cold, as if the glass was just poured seconds before she awoke. She then moved to put the empty glass on her nightstand but was taken slightly by surprise when it moved on its own accord to where she wanted it. She fell into a deep sleep unaware of the things floating around her in the night.

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