Chapter 13

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Sitting next to Mito as we looked up at the sky having finished the house chores. The men having had to go deal with the uchihas advancements. To be honest I'm restless. I'm usually always out with them but now I can't be it's a little depressing. But those two can handle anything that comes at them.

"So. What do you normally do?" I asked so bored that I couldn't handle just sitting here anymore.

"Um. Sleep train. Play with the kids to young to go out" Mito answered. Making me sigh.

"Want to play with the kids?" I asked seeing that as the best chose as I stood up fixing my kimono. Everyone. Literally everyone found out about the pregnancy within two days of me finding out. All the woman in the clan gave me clothes as gift for now. Apparently when I get closer they will be giving more gifts. I've seen them do it will all Senju woman that became pregnant but never thought they do it for me. They hated me.

"Yes that does sound fun" Mito spoke as she stood up putting on her sandals that she wears all the time that her family wasn't around. She was so thankful that we didn't expect her to wear the fancy geta.

Glancing to the side when I heard something fall in the house as Mito did the same both us becoming completely alert for the intruder only for my kitten to run out of the room with a vase on its head trying to get it off. Both us trying very hard not to laugh as shiro (white) shook his head before running into the wall causing the case and shiro to bounce back which ultimately caused Mito and into start laughing historical.

Walking over and putting my hand on shiro back to stop the beautiful little boy to stop struggling and pulled the vase off. Shiro giving a happy meow before going back to playing.

"Mito. Thanks for helping Tobirama with getting me a kitten" I spoke smiling at her after watching my kitten for a moment.

"You're welcome" she seemed to hesitate for a few moments. "Don't be mad but Tobirama wanted me to try speaking with you about the things that have bothered you. He knows you don't want to get emotional and is nervous about bringing up sensitive subjects" Mito spoke cautiously. Looking at her through the corner of my eyes.

"I've told him and hashi my problems before but they brushed them off not understanding. I can't really blame them though. We're shinobi. We're suppose to harden ourselves and haven't exactly had an emotional member. He'll before I came Hashirama was the most emotional one out of the group and everything was brushed aside that they stopped noticing when it happened" I spoke honestly. "So I stopped so I wouldn't cause them problems while listening and comforting them even if they didn't want it mainly Tobirama, while I guess I bottled it up" I added walking inside wanting tea as our previous plan to go to play with the kids seemed to fade away. "Hashirama doesn't do that with you because he sees you as a woman he wants to spend his life with as a wife. Someone he didn't grow up around and grow accustomed to their emotional problems. To be honest I'm glad he's not totally numb to it otherwise I'd have a feeling you'd be bashing his head in every day" I chuckled to myself as I came back outside with a tea pot and two cups for Mito and I.

Sitting down with the tea pot and cups between us. "It's not that it's bothers me but being in a burning building just makes me remember that time that I was a child trying to find my way out of the house but all the ways were blocked off it makes me freeze up. I'm okay looking at a burning building from outside but inside is a completely different story. While with Momo. She was my little angel. She was always there when I'd cry myself to the point that I couldn't breath while being as silent as possible I no one would notice. I didn't want butsuma-sama to hear me. Things got worse when he heard me. A lot of things happened that I kept from Tobirama and Hashirama because who am I to ruin the way they look at their father. I would never be able to forgive myself if I let them know the first week that I was there he beat me so bad that I was wearing a hooded outfit with no skin showing and it was extremely difficult to even stand" I spoke with a shrug. "Talking isn't going to help to be honest about some things" I spoke as I rested my chin on my hand.

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