Chapter 16

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Looking up at the mountain hands on my hips as I let out a loud sigh as we traveled. Mito watching Itama and Kawarama for me with Tobirama. Hashirama thought it be a good idea to send Madara and I out on a mission together so Madara got more interaction with people the village trusted to show that he was trustworthy seeing as for some reason the village isolates him. Much to Tobirama displeasure and arguments.

Not that I really blame him he's quite,can get very defensive about things, his blank stare or his glare could all add to it.

"Stay out of my way woman" Madara spoke nudging me out of his way with his shoulder.

"I could say the same but then I'd be waisting my breath" I shot back earning an irritated grunt from Madara as we scaled the mountain at a rather leisurely pace.

After all our mission was to deliver a letter from the daimyo of the fire nation to the daimyo of the Lightning country. "How is Ayano after that last mission?" I decided to start a conversation even if I am uncomfortable and don't like him doesn't mean I can't be friendly. Or try to be. After all now we are not enemies fighting against each other. We're from the same village right?

"Keep your nose out of my family" he spoke in a cold tone making me roll my eyes.

"I'm trying to get to know you okay...we've always been enemies fighting to kill one another can't we get along at least enough to be friendly towards each other so Hashirama stops bugging me about making friends with his friends " I spoke while getting to the top of the hill as the fire daimyo palace came into view.

"I have no reason to be friendly to the wife of the bastard that killed my brother and the girl who killed my youngest brother" he spat at me angrily. Sighing deeply at this. He may be acting okay but he is not okay with everything right now.

"I have the feeling you'd prefer to make me disappear off the face of the earth over being a comrade. Why sign the treaty if that is how you feel about the matter?" I asked while walking. "To be honest this treaty is boring. No real missions I mean for the love of jashin there has just been treaty talk with other nations" I spoke in annoyance.

"Why do you speak of jashin when you are not a follower?" He suddenly asked.

"Just a force of habit " I answered with a shrug of my shoulders causing Madara eyes to stare at me for a few moments as we walked before the rest of our time became silent.

Getting the letter from the fire daimyo and started heading towards the Lightning daimyo place which would take a couple of days.

To say the journey was boring is an understatement. The only thing we came across was a few bandits. Which we killed. Waiting in the lightning Daimyo palace for a response was most annoying and was putting Madara and myself in a bad mood. Not only would the man not leave me alone he took great pleasure in insulting Madara.

"Want to kill the lightning daimyo?" I asked quietly earning a raised eyebrow.

"We can't it would cause war between the two countries" he answered before he looked at my wicked grin.

"Not if they think he died of natural causes" I answered.

"And how would you do that without it being traced back to us?" He asked kind of curious now.

"Oh please tell me you didn't think that my fragrance was just genjutsu based. Once you've smelt it once I have remote control for a few weeks. If I can make him smell it then I can start a genjutsu in two weeks that start the symptoms of heart failure which his body will start reacting to natural killing him a couple days later" she answered.

What am I doing? (Tobirama love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora