Chapter 24 Strangely Beautiful End

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Looking up at the sky. The smoke the was present on the battle grounds was thick you almost couldn't even see the blue of the sky.

The sounds of metal clashing against metal. Oh what a glorious sound that brings back so many memories from my early life. Now many people out here think I'm crazy for being so at peace in the center of this caos but those that did nothing but fight most of their lives were just as at peace as I was.

The bodies littered the ground as weeks and months passed without even being noticed. The only thing that showed the difference was the leaves and the weather. If went from warm to cold so fast that I would have only though a few days had passed.

News of hashirama waking was no surprise. He is strong and has a family that needs him desperately.

Bitting my lip. Honestly I wish Tobirama was here with me but there is no way for him to make it in time. Not with him supporting his brother still. He'll be sent out as soon as his brother is fully better but not a couple days after he only woke.

It hurts her it's all familiar to me. It hurts to breath it hurts to move yet I'm still doing all of it as the forces were forced to retreat. These two were dangerous that's for sure. The strange chakra was like the one mito had in her.

Glancing back making sure the others got away. Before back at the two. They were taking me just as seriously as I was them yet they were still just testing me. Just as I had been resting them. Grabbing three food pills and two chakra pills popping them in my mouth before throwing three smoke bombs down. They weren't pushing any further for a reason. Taking the chance to retreat knowing a plan needs to be made at this point.

Breathing heavily once back with the rest of the group I was with. Feeling someone give me a few pats on the back before they went to start replenishing their chakra. Having people on guard so the others could rest as we started planning our next move as birds flew in with information from the other parties out fighting. "Tobirama-dama will be arriving at this post on the fill moon" one of them red. The full moon was only two days away. Smiling a little at this but at the same time wondering why he'd be sent out so soon when hashirama just woke.

Rest was all everyone needed yet we can't let our guards down enough to relax all night. Especially not when the fighting started. Having been ambushed in the middle of the night but not fully thanks to the warning of our sensory ninjas. When the sun started rising we had dead comrades and dead enemies and several injured ninja.

Sending off many to the medical tents we had set up miles away. We have to keep those hidden and protected at all cost too. The fighting is over or so we though until practically the whole squad fell suddenly.

Eyes widening as the silver and gold pair came into view. They weren't going to take this slow they weren't going to back off. No they were here to finish killing every last leaf shinobi in the area as they struck multiple people as they got sucked into a strange gourd.

Doing everything in my power to not be hit by their combos while also attacking cane with years of experience. Fighting in the clan wars may not have been my first chose at life but I wouldn't change it for the world because it has kept me alive. It's made me who I am. It made me a mother with Tobirama as a husband.

I don't know what the two thought when they decided to play with me until I was dead but that seemed to be their game as they forcibly went through my crystal style jutsu with lightning style. Bitting my lip to the point it was bleeding while keeping my pain in when I got struck by one of their jutsu. No I wasn't going to give them the pleasure of a cry of pain. Not when they were just toying with me.

I hated it. First the yokia clan and now these two decided to make me a play thing. Why the hell am I so interesting to some people? But then again I haven't seen anyone else with my kekkei.

Eyes widening when realizing that my right arm. I couldn't move it. I couldn't even feel any pain in it. Looking at it. There was so much blood running down it yet I couldn't feel a thing. What was going on? A foot connected with my stomach sending me flying backwards reminding me I didn't have time for this. But even I knew I couldn't do anything to these two when I couldn't fight not anymore. Not with the blood that I could tell was filling my Lungs. That kick sent my ribs  into my lungs.

Leaning against the tree that I had hit from being kicked back. Slowly moving my eyes up to the sky. I can't compete with these two. A silent chuckle left me as my hand moved onto the grass. I don't know why but war is strangely peaceful. Gold and silver huh? A crystal bird formed before taking off as the numbness and darkness started to take over.

"What am i doing? Why am I doing this when I could have been home with Tobirama?" I wondered to myself as i faded into nothing.


Having been traveling to get to kaori. Knowing they needed the back up but also desperately wishing to hold her. Even if he didn't show it outright it killed him not having her safe at home.

Looking up hearing something coming as a stopped on a branch along with the twelve others that had been coming with him to the post. Seeing the crystal bird flying towards him raising his hand to let it land only it didn't make it to his hand. It shattered right before it could land.

Eyes widening as the realization of what just happened hit him. Taking off at a faster pace then they were going.

Finding their shinobi bodies littered the ground yet the one body he wished wasn't there was leaning against a tree he eyes having closed as her head had fallen forward against her chest. The blood that covered her. Bitting the inside of his cheek as he stood there unable to handle it. He wanted to look away yet he couldn't. She died here... she died her because he wasn't here with her. His fist clenching as his eyes closed unable to prevent the silent tears that came from seeing her.

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