Head Over Heels

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By now you have probably realized that i still have a crush on you.

However I Don't 

The thing is.. I am head over heels for you.

Funny what loving someone for over a year, can do to a person.

I have watched you change from the girl
Who i barely recognize.. To this beautiful person, that feels more real. And I love you, every bit of you.

I won't say it was easy..
I fell apart a lot because i just wanted to hug you until your heart didn't ache anymore. I wanted to be there for you more then just a friend. I wanted to tell you that you are loved so much and you're not alone. But i couldn't..

And i know there are bad days.. and these bad days is probably the main reason i haven't sent you this text yet. Its because i don't want to fuck up and loose you..

And im scared that one day you're going to dissappear.. and I'd just fall apart.  Like I'd just not know what to do with myself..because I can't see myself going on with my life without you.

And im really sorry if i seem clingy or Annoying.

I have just had a lot of people leave me my whole life. And i just don't trust people anymore. But i stupidly have a lot of faith in you..

And it feels wrong because i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.

But..You're such a big part of my life now..people hear me talk about you.. see me laughing at my phone. And when im done texting you there is a smile plasted on my face...

I haven't felt happy in such a long time. I haven't had hope in life until i met you.

Life Hurts .1 (Growing up Series)Where stories live. Discover now