Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Several days after our reunion in Los Angeles, we all headed to New York, and the day we arrived we went to the theatre where the boys would be performing that night. They boys did a sound check, and then we went out together for dinner at a fancy restaurant Michele had chosen. We were all having an especially good time together after spending weeks apart for the break.

We were excited to be on tour yet again, and we joyously toasted its beginning. The restaurant was filled with good food, good music, and rich red decorations; my kind of place! Ignazio sat beside me joking with me and making me laugh as we happily discussed yet again the concerts a few nights before in Los Angeles.

“This tour is going to be the best yet!” I declared.

“Hear, hear!” Piero agreed from across the table, holding up his glass of water, and I laughed and clinked with him and Gianluca, only vaguely aware of Ignazio’s sudden quiet.


After we returned to the hotels and we all went to our suites, I spent some time fervently reviewing the new photos of the boys on my camera and reviewing the U.S. tour schedule. Soon I stretched and turned off my camera and went to take a shower. As I emerged feeling clean and refreshed in my pajama pants and T-shirt, I decided to go and tell Ignazio goodnight.

I quietly left my suite and went down the hallway to Ignazio’s. I smiled when I found the door unlocked, toying with the idea of sneaking in and surprising him. He was probably expecting me, but I soundlessly turned the knob and cautiously opened the door, quietly entering the short hallway leading to the small living room of the suite. I reached down and carefully removed my red high-tops so I wouldn’t make any noise, and listened.

          “Yes, that sounds great! Would you mind running the times by me again so I can make sure I’ve got them right?” I heard Ignazio say, and I straightened in surprise at the sudden sound. His voice was coming from the kitchen, and when there was no response I figured that he was on the phone. I inched along the wall, and when I reached the corner I slowly leaned forward and peered around it, smiling to myself. He was standing with his back to me in the kitchen, on his cell phone as I had suspected. He had changed into his sweatpants and a thin T-shirt, but despite the comfortable clothing he stood up completely straight, alert and ready as he listened to the person on the phone.       

“Thank you; that will be great! I’ll make sure we’ll be there… Okay, thank you!” He sounded happy, but when he hung up he just stood there motionless, holding the phone at his side as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. I stood motionless also, peering silently around the corner at his back, all thoughts of jumping out at him vanished. Then he turned, and his face was so somber and forlorn that it scared me. As I watched, he reached out and quietly laid his phone on the kitchen counter. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he let it out, reaching up and fingering his damp hair.

He reached up his other hand and ran them slowly over his face, and then he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the cabinet, his face dejectedly buried in his hands.

I chose this moment to step out from behind the wall, and I stood out in the open of the room.


He jumped and jerked up, looking up at me in shock.

“Tamzin! Have long have you been here!?”

“I just came in a minute ago. Ignazio, what’s wrong?”

For a moment he just stared at me, still looking surprised and a little unnerved by my sudden entry, but then he smiled and shook his head.

“Nothing’s wrong.”

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