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I Miss Tyler and Joseph 😩😩😩😩😩


Gee: so fellow gays

Gee: yuo no the ladder of our people

Frankey: are you drunk

Gee: as high as the sky

Ryry: the fuck

Halsey: your spelling is even worse than Brendon's

Ryry: agreed

BigBoyBeebs: excuse me

Lyyynn: I'm so confused by this what the fuck

Gee: hdfhjdus

Ryry: Frank ? Mikey ?

Frankey: yea

Ryry: is anyone with him

Frankey: mikey is but he dropped his phone down the toilet so he won't be able to answer

Halsey: how is that even possible

Frankey: it's mikey why are you surprised

BigBoyBeebs: I've dropped my phone down the toilet many times

Ryry: wow

BigBoyBeebs: you know when you're texting with one hand while doing your business and you lose grip ?

Ryry: no

Halsey: I don't take my phone to the toilet with me

BigBoyBeebs: you strange person

DallyLongLegs: what the fuck is your problem

BigBoyBeebs: i is offended

Ryry: is anyone gonna check on gee because he's being weird

Gee: I will

Ryry: thanks

Ryry: wait a minute

Halsey: oh my god

BigBoyBeebs: ha stupid

Ryry: shut up

BigBoyBeebs: fight me

Ryry: come on then Bitch

BigBoyBeebs: meet me in 10 minutes coward

Ryry: we're sat next to each other brendon

BigBoyBeebs: fight me coward

Halsey: what the fuck have I just witnessed

Frankey: I'll go and check and gee seeing as those two are doing god knows what

Halsey: have fun

Frankey: okay bye

DallyLongLegs: I'm going back to bed seeing as it's 4am and it's school tomorrow

Halsey: sleep is stupid

Lyyynn: I'm going to sleep as well byeeee

Halsey: wow I guess I'm alone now

Halsey: Ryan? Brendon ? Please don't say you're having sex

Ryry: Ryan can't come to the phone at the minute

Halsey: okay this is text messages not a phone call

Ryry: why?

Ryry: because he's dead

Ryry: jokingggggggg I've just stolen his phone

Ryry: it's Brendon by the way

Halsey: I kinda figured

Ryry: no

Halsey: okay what the fuck I'm going to sleep now have fun doing whatever you're doing with his phone I guess ?

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