A Death Trap

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  The radio came to life, a loud annoying sound came on, "This is Alpha Two of Group Three, we're losing troopers..." the group leader of Alpha Two said, "They just upright vanish, there their and then there-" the radio cuts out.

"Get a clean signal back to them," The commanding officer yelled to TK-786.

"Yes sir!" He yelled back. It was already becoming dark outside, along with possible rain, or thunderstorm, high command was telling us anything that was going to happen on the ground, or that will affect us.

We need to move, I thought, even though we're spec ops., we're put into these things.

                                                                                        ~~{ + }~~

"This is Alpha Two, come in Alpha one," MP-931 signed, "Fireflick, I think we're getting jammed, its coming out all fuzzy." The rain wasn't helping, and the darkness.

"Or its raining and it can make things go wrong, pfft" TK-8845 said, a newbie, it's always blaming everyone else for him. No one almost ever believes him.

"I think I almost got a connection to all groups," MP-931 said, "just a few more taps..." Lights on the long range communication device started to flicker back to life. "Alpha One, this Bravo Four, do you read?"

There was odd silence, "We copy, what's wrong?" the radio spit out words

"We think the rebels are trying to... wait I hear something..." a nearby horn went off, dozens of little furry animals came out.

"Anouther abush!!!" I yelled. The area went into a firefight, but no returning shots came but sticks and stones.

"TK-1087! Get the heavy baster on the move!" MP-556 yelled at me.

"Yes sir!" I got it, and I fired where ever I saw one of those nasty creepy aliens.

Screams filled the air along side the gun shots. The aliens were enclosing on us. I saw TK-8845 lying on the ground with a spear through his neck. I started losing track on where the aliens were, then I just started firing to all the moving things but us.

"THIS IS ALPHA TWO AND CHARLIE TWO! WE NEED BACK UP" I heard a trooper from the other squad yell in the long range communication device, but all that came out was a fuzzy sound.

"No good! RETREAT!" I heard the lead officer yell.

"Negative on that!" I yelled back, "we're surrounded!" I started to see actual rebels come out, as they started to fire at us.

I looked back to the officer to see a chard chestplate and one of the fluffy aliens on it, "oh... fireflick..."

"Nub nub!" it said in its language.

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