t w e l e v e

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[ E L M O ]

Cookie and Barney. 

Now Elmo supports gay rights. He is gay of course. But he just felt


As if this whole situation where just a book or something. And the author wants some drama in-between. Most of the time they live happily ever after. But maybe he was with the wrong author for that.

Maybe he is the one who wants misery in her/his book. Where there is no happy ending. They want the book characters to cry because there is someone who needs to relate to their pain. 

Maybe what is happening to Elmo is a mixed up story of their love life.

Elmo realizes that was not true. But if it is then he is not even real. He is a character on a screen. On a piece of paper. But so is Barney and Cookie. 

So why cry over him?

It doesn't matter what happens in the future because it's all up to whatever is creating his story. Maybe God, maybe fate. Maybe the author creating him on the screen. 

Then again, it's not a completely sane thought. Then again, what's sane about him? 

Barney looked at the corner of his eyes and saw Elmo. Elmo let out a deep chuckle. 

"P-Please it's not what it looks like!" He stuttered. Cookie looked down in embarrassment. "What does it matter?" Elmo smiled. Barney tilted his head in confusion.

"Karma is gonna bite you in the butt. Because that's what you deserve".

Elmo exited the shop and didn't even look at Barney's face. He looked up at the sky

"I know you're probably creating this sentence and know what I am about to say!" He yelled while bystanders watch in confusion.

"Do whatever you want with Barney, God or whatever you are. I don't care. I don't care if you make me a crazy lunatic or serial killer. It doesn't matter if you make me a successful businessman with a husband and three kids I don't care. Just make sure karma comes after him like a wave. Let his secret be known! Because the way he is hiding it is too idiotic."

Barney came out along with Cookie. His tail was hidden and his eyes were in fear. "Don't. Please." he whimpered. 

He looked directly into Barney's eyes. There was no stopping Elmo. He let out a chuckle and looked back at the sky while smiling a evil grin. 

"Let it be known." 

And he walked away from the scene. 

With only Bystanders, Cookie, and Barney.

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