Chapter Three

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The night dragged on as Daisy slowly fell asleep, growing used to the noise of the television in the background as though she was at home on the busy main road.

After a few hours, a shrill alarm cut through her sleep. Covering her face with the blanket, Daisy sighed loudly in annoyance. She was absolutely knackered, it couldn't have been the whole night already, right? Even on the loudest nights back in London, she'd wake up feeling refreshed, so it couldn't be.

Though Daisy had waited what seemed to be hours under the safety and warmth of the blanket for the shrill alarm to go off, it just continued to beep, and beep, and beep, and beep. Jerking her arms and legs in annoyance, she shoved the blanket off her body and stood a little too quickly, making her feel as though she was spinning on the spot and her legs wobble slightly. Rubbing her eyes to dispel the tiredness, she steadied herself and wiped the black stain of mascara onto her jeans- or was it eyeliner? It didn't really matter, either way, it was definitely smudged now.

Breathing in a sigh she glanced around the room, noticing that there were only embers where the roaring fire was. The clock said that it was twenty past 3, which proved that it was definitely not the time for her to be awake at all; She'd better go to bed as soon as she destroyed the evil beeping that was keeping her awake.

Stomping tiredly through the house, turning all the lights on she could find, she searched for the damn noise. She'd obviously only turned the lights on because demons would instantly attack her in every dark hallway. Although she'd be the one attacking the bloody beeping demon hiding wherever it was.

Damn, she'd forgotten how big this house really was, and she straight up had no idea what the noise was.

Standing still in the 4th hallway she'd been into, she considered whether or not she could ignore the noise and just go to bed; She was quite sure that if she shut the thick door or her old bedroom on the third floor, she wouldn't hear the noise at all. And, to be quite frank, it was pissing her off and she was too tired to keep searching.

Pulling a hair tie from her wrist, she shoved her hair into a rough bun and pulled her sleeves over her hands. To bed it was, and that sound can screech all it wanted, nobody but the rats could hear it- not that the house had rats of course, but she needed a cool way to finally go to bed without feeling lazy.

Turning back, she traced back through the house that she'd stumble-stalked through, and turned off all the lights that she'd turned on. Arriving back in the dimly lit, cooling living room, she grabbed her overstuffed bag and started towards the stairs to her bedroom. Knowing it'd take a while to walk casually up the stairs, Daisy legged it as best she could; not stopping even to breathe...And when she finally did breathe she couldn't. Puffing in and out she dropped her back onto her springy hot pink bed covers and shoved the door shut with her foot. Sitting on her old high school bed, she looked around the small, Ivory alcoves that were littered with pictures and posters from back in the day.

Spilling her bag onto the floor, she pulled her baby wipes from the pile of essentials and scrubbed at her face until it was fresh and spotless. Pulling her toothbrush from the pile, she tip toed towards the only other room on the top floor: The bathroom. After brushing her teeth, she did her bathroom business, and then once again tip-toed back into her bedroom. The tiptoeing was a habit that she still hadn't broken from the times she'd stay up until 5 am binging TVD and Brooklyn 99.

Pulling her cold covers back, she got in and snuggled into her pillows. Tonight's sleep would be amazing, it always was when she was in her own bed. Closing her eyes and shuffling down deeper into her bed, she was absolutely lost to the land of sleep; and she really didn't want to be found from said land until at least ten thirty tomorrow morning or she'd be pissed off.

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