Chapter Five

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It wasn't long until Daisy had finished her drink and left the coffee shop; she'd realised that just because she had spent most of her time there when she was young, it didn't mean that she still liked it now. It had too many young teenagers inside.

Besides, she'd already received the answer to her question, even if she didn't understand it. All the confusion and thinking had now brought on a small pounding in her mind; with all the 'excitement' she'd forgotten about her cold. It had definitely died down a little, but it definitely still existed.

She figured that she'd just go home now and relax on the sofa. There was nothing she could do about the house now, so why stress herself out?

It wasn't like she had an abundance of things to do here in her old town, most of the people she used to know had become different people. They probably wouldn't even recognise her, she supposed that she had changed quite a bit.

Maybe she'd try to find her phone and text them, it wouldn't take much effort.

After considering it, she decided against it though, she didn't want to dig up old ties and disturb someone's life.

As though arriving home in no time at all, her thoughts allowing her to time travel, she tugged open her bag and fished for the rusted keys. When she finally managed to wriggle open the door, she was hit with the strong smell of dust that she must have missed earlier.

There was some serious cleaning to do here, and it looked like her relaxation would have to wait. It wasn't like her cold was going anywhere, she could treat it later.

Changing into more comfortable clothes, Daisy couldn't decide whether to vacuum or polish her grandmother's knickknacks first.

Eventually, though, she came to the conclusion that vacuuming after would make more sense, or else she'd just be getting more dust on the floor.

Then she started on the cleaning; polishing, cleaning all of the windows, vacuuming, mopping. Daisy even wiped down her grandmother's leather sofa.

Thinking that all her cleaning was done, Daisy went to then rinse through all of the rags that she'd used to polish. Her cleaning was certainly not done.

The kitchen sides were caked in unwiped dust, the silverware that her gran had prized was now a matte grey with dirt. She almost forgot that she still needed to clean through the fridge.

After rinsing out the dirt from the living room, she used the cloths to then banish the lingering dirt in the kitchen- fridge and all. Daisy then repeated the whole 'Vacuuming, mopping, polishing' method once again for the whole room.

Knowing she wasn't done yet, Daisy's mind wandered to the upstairs of the house. Her grandmother was quite old by the time she'd passed, Daisy knew that there was bound to be mountains of dust, dirt and uncleaned carpets.

So there she went, she travelled up each set of stairs, hovering as she went, polishing where necessary.

A few hours later, Daisy decided to take a break in her much-needed cleaning to feed herself, and judging by her rumbling stomach, Daisy knew that feeding herself was the main priority, one that she'd completely forgotten about. Luckily, she still felt quite ill after working so hard, so she didn't really need that much to eat.


Sitting alone in the kitchen of her lost grandmother, Daisy sighed. Without her Gran there was nothing to do here, there were only so many rooms that she could clean before she started to feel lonely.

Scooping up the tomato soup that she'd found in a tin inside the cupboard, she paused to blow it before allowing the silver spoon past her lips. For some reason, Daisy had used her Nan's best china and silverware for a tinned can of soup. She felt it was right though, she'd only ever used these before in times of celebration, but with her being alone she wanted to remember all these times. She wanted to remember her lovely grandmother through those celebrations, instead of mourning her loss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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