chapter 13

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Saturday, December 20th

Richie Tozier

There's only 5 days left until I can finally be with Rosie. I have waited for this moment for 4 months and I can't believe it's only 5 days away. 

That is if she still wants this to happen. She could throw me for a loop and decide that she doesn't want to be with me anymore. Let's hope that doesn't happen on christmas, yet another reason to possibly hate christmas. 

"Morning Richie. How did you sleep? You did sleep in for quite awhile."

"I slept great mom." I said walking into the kitchen where the rest of my family were eating breakfast. "That's great sweetie. Well sit down I'll grab you a plate of eggs."

I sat down and got a glass of orange juice that was sitting in the middle of the table. Mom sat down my eggs before sitting herself down across from me. 

"What are your plans for today sweetie?" I shook my head, "I don't have anything planned for today." I said while taking a gulp of my orange juice.

"Well that works out great! I have to buy some last minute gifts for you aunt and uncle and I was wondering if you wanted to come and get something for your girlfriend Rosie." I suddenly choked on my orange juice resulting in it going all over my face. 

"She's not my girlfriend mom." I wiped off the orange juice from my face with a napkin from the middle of the table. "Are you sure about that? When you were sick and I went to give you more medicine, it didn't look like you were just friends."

That was a great night. Despite being sick and stuck in bed, it was amazing to have Rosie right next to me. "Trust me mom we are truly just friends. I won't tell you if we were anything more but at the moment we are just friends." 

"Alright so are you going to come with me or not?" I nodded "Yeah I'll go. Let me go get ready."


Our first stop in her shopping trip was into the jewelry store for my aunt linda. She is madly obsessed with jewelry so it is only appropriate to get her jewelry.

"Alright i'm going to go around the store to try and find something for my sister. Feel free to look around for something nice for Rosie." She said as she walked to the bulky jewelry isle but not before sending me a wink. I shook my head but looked around. 

All of these just look the same but in different colors. I walked by a display of simple necklaces in Rose Gold and stopped. As I looked at the options I came across one that screamed Rosie. That's the one.

"That's beautiful sweetie. She will love it." My mother said sneaking up from behind me.

Monday, December 22nd

Rosie Evans

Considering it was the week of Christmas, we had the whole week off from school; meaning that I can sleep in as long as I want on this amazing Monday morning. That is if it wasn't for Beverly belting the lyrics to the 12 days of Christmas from right next to me.

"Beverly Marsh-Evans it is too early for this bullshit. I love you but kindly shut up." I said as I placed a pillow over my head to try and block out her off-pitch singing.

"Rosie you do realize that there's only 3 days until Christmas right? You're going to have to get up early on Christmas so why not get a head start." 

"I will gladly get up early on the day of December 25th but today is not that day so no thank you." 

"Fine I'll stop bugging you, I just thought I should wake you up to tell you that the Tozier's, including your precious Richie, are coming over for dinner on Christmas."She said as she walked out of the room, about to close the door.

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