Chapter One-My name is....seriously do I have to say that? Like c'mon dude

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My name is Y/n Queen and....You know what forget I don't have time to say the whole thing so I'll simply say who I am. I'm the Green Arrow, well not the original my dad was and he gave the honor to protect or city.....See dad how easy is that instead of repeating over and over again who you are shaking my head....anyway I got a new here we go 


"Come old man" I said jumping all around waiting for my dad to get up "I know you still go it in you" 

He was getting up then I tripped him. 

"ah" he said groaning "OK fine fine you win" 

"yea like always" and I start running around the bunker 

"Carefully Y/n" my mom said hold my son Y/C/B/N  

"What its not like i'm-" I was about to say  and slipped on an arrow 

"See what did I say to mommy" my mom said to Y/c/b/n 

"ahh" I said getting up "how the hell did these end up on the floor" 

"your son" my dad started to say "was crawling all around and almost poked himself" 

"why was he even in here?" I asked rubbing the back of my head from falling 

"Chris brought him" my mom "he had to be at the station"  

I shook my head

My dad was holding y/c/b/n and gave him a kiss on the forehead "Just please don't be like your mommy" 

"Hey I'm standing right here"  I say 

My dad looked at me and laughed 

I laughed along  


All I have to say is this story is gonna be dope- Arrow 

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