Chapter Two-Time for a Vacation

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 I sitting with y/b/n on the couch in the bunker nursing him and I was trying to multitask. 

I was looking on the computer about a drug dealer. 

"Dang" I said "he had sold a lot of drugs" 

I was looking through a file Chris gave me  

He name is Matt Bell. Originally from Central City, the Flash kicked him out (and literally kicked him out with a super kick) 

While I was doing this Barry came in and came over towards me and noticed I was nursing y/b/n  

"Oh God" he said looking away "I'm sorry y/n" 

"Aw jeez my bad,he fell asleep anyways" 

I pick him up and put him in the stroller carefully trying not to wake him up 

"Anyway, whats up Barry" I asked 

"Um we have a problem and we kinda need your help"  

"what happened?" 

"we got the anomalously call from someone in New York" 

He paused 

"and it said that the people of New York need more help and a lot of people are dying"  

"well then..." I started to say 

I see Barry looking anxious and waiting to see what I am going to say  

"....I guess we are going on a vacation to New York" i say 

"Yes! I was hoping you would say yes" He said smiling "I have always wanted to go to New York" 

"well lets tell everyone, but one will need to stay behind to help with y/b/n  

" I will"  someone said 

I saw that it was my dad 

"oh OK then that's great" I replied 

I then turn to Barry 

"Ready Allen?" I asked 

"Ready as I'll ever be" He said with a smirk  


Again this is gonna be good 

Peace :p 

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