Chapter Three: The Seed Of Jealously Has Been Planted

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When Eddie let's go of (Y/N) he sighed, placing his hand on his chin, thinking about what to do.

He knows he can't take her home, her father wouldn't allow it, and he can't leave you anywhere else considering him and the boys were going to go to his house and get stuff to go to the barrens after they met (Y/N) so Bill could look for Georgie - something they planned on the way to her house after their visit. He glances off in the direction of Stan, Bill, and Richie only to see them starting back at him and (Y/N), whispering amongst each other.

With a sigh he finally looked back to his cousin staring into her watery (E/C) eyes. "Alright this is what we'll do." He grabbed her hand and led her back to the group to speak of his plan. "Change of plans, (Y/N)'s dad won't want her home for a couple of hours and I can't leave her alone so we're going to go back to my house where I can watch her. You guys can go to the barrens without me." He said glancing at (Y/N) occasionally as she slightly hid behind him, her grip like a vice on his hand as she peaked over his shoulder slightly to get a look at his friends - more importantly the bold one with glasses, what was his name? Oh yeah Richie. She wasn't going to lie - he was pretty attractive. Bill quickly noticed (Y/N) staring in Richie's direction and quickly stepped in and tried to get her to stay around just a little while longer, wanting to get her attention on him and not Richie.

"W-w-why not just b-b-bring her to the barrens w-w-with us. We could use an extra s-s-set of hands." He stuttered as he made eye contact with her and noticed the small blush spread upon her cheeks. She has never really talked to another boy before besides her cousin, so to even have one want her around was enough to (Y/N) turn into a cherry. Eddie raised an eyebrow and turned his head to look at you, wanting to hear your say in the idea.

"I'll go Eddie. I don't really want to be around Aunt Sonia anyway." (Y/N) whispered, she may only be Sonia's niece but she was about as controlling with (Y/N) as she was Eddie, her influence just wasn't as effective considering (Y/N) is her younger brother's daughter, and not her own. But that sure didn't stop her from feeding her brother ideas or when (Y/N) was around her.

Stan finally spoke up, reminding everyone of his presence. "I'm going to go head home real quick and drop my stuff off. I'll meet you all at the barrens later." He spoke as he quickly sat on his bike that he had been walking and peddled away as the rest of the boys exchanged words of goodbye while (Y/N) watched as he biked away from the group.

"Well let's hit this show on the road. You can sit on the back of my back (Y/N)." Eddie said as he pushed his way past the remaining two boys and picked up his bike that was momentarily forgotten on the ground. Richie quickly shout back with one of his helplessly terrible pickup lines.

"I have a better idea as to what she can sit on." Richie winked in (Y/N)'s direction. While (Y/N) squeaked, Eddie turned red as he turned and smacked Richie upside the head for suggestion such a suggestion. While Eddie then went on to lecture Richie, who was now laughing, on how not to say such things to or about his 'little baby cousin' Bill leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"J-j-just ignore R-R-R-Richie. He doesn't mean any of it, I-I-I'll tell him to s-s-stop if it's bothering you." (Y/N) turned once he finished his sentence as he was pulling back away from her ear as she blushed once again and smiled slightly looking down at her feet, only because he just offered to stand up for her.

Richie saw this small display and his smile dropped from his face as Eddie continued to lecture him going on about how what he apparently had done wrong. He didn't know what Bill had said to (Y/N) but it bothered him that Bill could make her smile and he had only managed to get a couple squeaks and squeals instead. Of course he has only known her for about 10 minutes but it still bothered him. He watched as she got on the back of Eddies back and held her cousin close, scared of falling off as him and Bill got on their own bikes and pleaded after, thinking of ways to get (Y/N) to smile like Bill had just done.

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