Chapter 11-I Can't Afford To Lose Someone I Love

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Earlier that day before Zayn got the phone call, Katrina called. "Hello?" I answered. I recognized that sweet Texas drawl anywhere. "Hi Niall, it's Katrina." my heart swelled and I couldn't hold back a smile. "Hi," I said shyly. "What's up?" "Oh, nothin'," she replied. "I just wanted to call you and let you know I still have your note." she laughed. I chuckled. "So, do you wanna hang out tomorrow? I asked, blushing like mad. Good thing this was over the phone. "Yeah, I'd love to." she said and I could practically feel her smile. "Great," I said, "See you tomorrow. I'll text you later." I smiled and we said goodbye and hung up. I sighed and grinned, flopping down on the couch and closing my eyes.  


"Shit." Zayn mumbled, running down the stairs, fumbling for the keys. "What is it?" Liam and I asked as I dusted off my pants. "It's Hannah. We gotta find her." Wait, why didn't she call anybody else? Why did she call Zayn in particular? If she called anybody, I figured she'd call Lou or Harry. Harry and Louis shot up, steeping over next to me. "I'll come with you." Harry said worriedly. "No. It's fine, really." Zayn shot back. He looked pretty nervous, like he was trying to hide something. Haz took a step back, but refused to let Zayn go without him. "You don't have a choice, Zayn. I'm coming."  

"I'll come too." Louis blurted out, and Harry turned on his heels to look at Louis. "No, Lou."  

"Harry, she's my friend too. I'm going! Why?" he asked as Harry cupped Louis' cheeks in his hands. "I can't afford to lose someone else I love." Haz whispered and Lou's eyes started to water. Harry turned to look back at Zayn and clenched his teeth. "Let's go." he demanded and I left with them. They didn't even bother to argue with me, they knew they wouldn't win against me.  

"Bye Curly." Louis said, barely audible with his voice shaky as Harry took a step out of the door. Liam stood beside him, still in shock, wondering what the hell is going on.  


We sped down the road, me driving, Niall in shotgun, and Harry slid in the backseat. We reached the red light after a couple minutes. "Fuck," I realized. "How are we supposed to find her?" I thought about the GPS already, but we don't have her registered in our phones. "Oh, I guess we could go find that girl..what's her name?" I asked, racking my brain for the name. "Katrina?" Niall shot out quickly, and I immediately responded with a "Yes! Her! Where does she live?" Niall blushed and looked out the window.  

"May road. Take a right. She lives near that ballpark." Harry said, and I think Niall and I were both shocked. That was the first thing he's said. I looked in the rearview to take a glance at him. He looked more than worried. He looked...mad? He was pale, his hair messed up, focusing his eyes out the window. He looked scared to death. He kept his teeth clenched together. I played it off, making it look like I was checking my hair. "Hannah showed me where she lived once." he explained, now sounding sad. I nodded to say I understood, and when we found Katrina's house, the three of us hopped out and I left the car running. Niall knocked on the door and hugged Katrina when she answered it. She seemed a bit surprised that we were at her door. I guess she wasn't expecting us here.  

"Um, hey," she said. "What's up guys?" "We need to find Hannah." Hazza said coldly from behind us, again surprising us. Katrina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Um, well, is she not at home?" she asked.  

"No. She's, with someone. She called me up, asking for us to find her." I said, trying to tell her as much as I knew. I honestly didn't get much more than that, besides Hannah saying she was with some girl named Ashton, but I didn't want to say that around Haz. He'd flip out. Plus, I think she got the memo anyway, because her eyes widened.  

"Oh. Uh, yeah. I'll tell you how to get there and I'll be up there shortly." she said, paling and describing the streets and how the house looked to me. I nodded, trying to remember as much as possible. We thanked her and jumped back into the car, but Niall refused for Katrina to go alone when she came. I looked at Niall questioningly and his reply was, "What? It doesn't sound safe. I'll come up there with Katrina." and looked over at her and smiled. I rolled my eyes and Harry and I hurried down the driveway.  

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