Chapter 22- Everything's Fine

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not much to say...except for the fact that I've FINALLY REACH 9K READS :D thanks sooo much ily all. and now i get to talk about some of the lovely comments on the last chapter. SO MANY MORE COMMENTS THAN USUAL :) i usually only get like 4? and they're usually from the same awesome readers((: but i got like ten, and new readers i didn't know about!?! so thanks so much guys. dedicated to Youdowichi bc basically...HER COMMENT WAS LIKE BREATHTAKING OKAY. do u know how much it meant when she said all that, especially when she said she stayed up ALL NIGHT READING MY FANFIC?! bless<3 Mackie_BooBear's comment just totally made me bust out laughing! "*slaps harry in the face* hello, duhhh 'Larry Stylinson'" loll i applaud you ;) and i feel so happy to be the first person to dedicate a chap to 1DILoveLouis :) annabellaz & Katonah101 are awesome as usual.(; and of course i loved GabriellaTavares's comment! It made my day :) and i <3 my new readers KaelynAlexander & xDionnex :D and xDionnex's cute puppy eyes are part of the reason why I updated sooner ;) sorry if u didn't read this or if i wasted ur time ik ik long note sorry we r in fact moving on


I curled up on the couch in pain and depression, my stomach aching. The TV was on, but I wasn’t really watching it. I’ve been spending most of my time sitting in a hospital room, doing pointless puzzles, waiting for Hannah. I’ve got nothing to do, nowhere else to go.

Nobody else to talk to.

Harry keeps his distance. And if I don’t talk to Haz, what’s the point in trying to say anything to the other lads? They’ll just want to know what’s going on and try to help me. And I don’t really want that. For the past five days, Harry and I have barely spoken a word to each other. Not even sleeping in the same room anymore. No ‘I love you, Boo .x’ texts. Nothing cheeky. I’m lucky to get a ‘Good morning!’

I figured it wasn’t healthy to wallow in my own depression over him, so I grabbed the keys, driving down to the hospital.


“How could you be so selfish and stupid?” I joked, chuckling sadly as I tossed her limp hand around in mine for the past hour. My smile faded and my voice lowered to a mumble. “Nobody else is here to hear me.”

I heard a painfully loud scream come from outside. Startled at the vibe it brought, I looked up and out the window, hoping nobody was hurt. But all I could see were little kids running around with their mothers. But the scream sounded like somebody was just struggling to swallow, risking the chance to take a breath. But everyone looked fine.

I looked back down at her. Her eyes stayed closed, her pink lips barely parted. I stared at her, and laughed breathlessly. “Boys aren’t supposed to say their feelings like this, ya know? We’re supposed to sound tougher. I guess I’m just not that type of guy…at least, not when it comes to this sort of stuff…”

I looked back up at the window, the light shining through. I looked at the little kids playing on the little playground, hearing that same scream again, but being drained out by the playful happy squeals across the street as I shut the blinds.

I sat back down, holding her hand still with mine, anticipating for her green eyes to flutter open any minute now. But when I realized that wasn’t happening any time soon, I blurted it out.

“Harry kissed me.”

I guess I was waiting for her to pop up in excitement or something, I don’t know what I was expecting. “I dunno, I just thought maybe when he kissed me as more than a friend for the first time, I figured I’d be calling you, freaking out while I let you scream in my ear about it. Expecting that we’d actually act like a couple of stupid teenage girls.” I chuckled. I glared up at the muted TV casting the light onto her face.

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