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Also fun game, take a sip of water everytime I write 2, duo, or anything related to 2 😂


Jimin was shocked and didn't know what to do. THE Min Yoongi was right there! He was frozen in place from shock.

Yoongi was just standing there, casually talking without a disguise, no mask, no hoodie, nothing! While the other was wearing a full on cover up (A hat, and a mask but still a good cover up) but since he has been a fan of the 2 for so long he could clearly see that it was Namjoon. After seeing him, he wondered where Jin was.

He guessed that Yoongi was too lazy to put on a disguise. The usual. Jimin chuckled at the thought of his manager having to force him to put on something so that fans won't notice him but Yoongi just wouldn't listen and would say "I'm too swaeg for disguises"

"Jimin! You've been standing there for t-" Jimin turned towards the source of voice and saw Jin, with his mouth and eyes wide open as he stared at the duo. Jimin pushed Jin's bottom jaw up, making a clank sound with his teeth.

Jin turned to Jimin with sparkling eyes and held Jimin's small shoulders, shaking him again and again.

"Dude, Namjoon and Yoongi is literally right there, let's go take a pic with them!" Jin whisper shouted. Jimin's heart skipped a beat. He was about to complain but before he could do so, Jin was already pulling on his small hand and began dragging him towards the 2 idols.

~switching to narrating Yoongi now~
Yoongi had stayed up all night in his studio and was in desperate need of some coffee. Namjoon however, was panicking because they have to rehearse some stuff in an hour or so.

"But I need mah coffeeee~"

"Hyung, you can just get coffee there!"

"But it tastes terrible. I heard this cafe serves the best coffee so imma get them here!"

"Hyung, we're going to be late"

"Getting a cup of coffee won't take that long"

"Fine! But if we're late then it's your fault"

After finally ending the argument, they were about to enter the cafe but was stopped by a yell

"Excuse me!" they heard. Turning around, they saw 2 boys running towards them. One had pink hair that was bobbing up and down as he ran, and the other had brown hair that shined from the sun but was looking desperate for freedom as his supposed friend dragged him along.

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle as he saw how horrified and pale the other one looked. It was kind of adorable he must say.

The boys finally stopped running as they were directly infront of them. The pink hair'd one had confidence in his eyes, while the other was looking down, hiding his face.

Yoongi proceeded to tilt his body to take a glimpse of the brown hair'd boys face but the boy turned his head even more.

Well, Yoongi did manage to see, and what he saw was absolutely adorable. The boys pale face has turned into a red tomato, his eyes were squinting as if he was scared to look at Yoongi, and his mouth was formed into a slight pout.

Yoongi chuckled once more. What a cute boy.

"Hi, I'm a big fan of you Namjoon, my name is Jin, and this other boy, his name is Jimin, is a huge fan of you Yoongi and we were wondering if we could take pictures with you guys" The pink hair'd boy asked.

To this, The brown hair'd boy, who's name is apparently Jimin, lifted his head up to reveal his slightly pink face and shook his head.

Yoongi's face turned a tad bit pink as he observed the stunning boy. Especially his lips. They were thick and soft...Looked kissable.

Yoongi mentally slapped himself in the face. He can't think of that with a man. Especially a fan. He would never.

After what seemed like hours of staring, Yoongi realized what he was doing and looked away from Jimin, hiding his crimson red face.

"Yeah sure" Namjoon said. Jin's eyes lit up even more with excitement as he took his phone from his pocket.

After getting his phone, he gives it to Namjoon(as he has a much longer arm). They stood beside eachother and took the picture.

Yoongi looked over at Jimin who was still shy and scared to look at Yoongi in the eyes. "I don't bite y'know?" Yoongi finally spoke up.

To this, Jimin's head jolted up. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it. Yoongi shook his head with a smile.

He grabbed Jimin's little hands and looked him in the eyes. "Come on now, why are you so scared? Didn't your friend say I'm ylur favourite?" Yoongi asked, pushing his own face closer to Jimin, their noses almost touching.

Jimin's cheeks went even more red as he realized how close they were standing right now. As he tries to say something, no words come out of his mouth, only stammering noises.

Yoongi pulled their faces apart and laughed at poor Jimin. "Why are you so nervous? Come on, give me your phone and let's ask your friend there to take the picture for us"

Jimin shakily takes his phone out of his pocket and gave it to Yoongi. Yoongi took it, smiling at the shorter. "Jin! Can you take the pic for us?" Yoongi asked. To this Jin nodded and went over to Yoongi, taking Jimin's phone from him.

Yoongi went to Jimin's side and slung his arms around Jimin's neck, to this Jimin covered his face with his fist as he was smiling and fangirling. Jin thought that this was the right time to take the picture.

"Thank you Jin" He took back the phone from Jin and gave it to Jimin, who was slightly giddy about their interaction just now.

Jimin, after realizing that he was squeeling like a fangirl, turned his face away from Yoongi once more.

Yoongi held Jimin's chin and lifted his face up so that Jimin was now looking straight into his eyes. "There's nothing to be ashamed of silly" Yoongi showed his cute gummy smile and flashed it at Jimin.

Jimin smiled back and let out the cutest chuckle that he has ever heard


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