Chapter 1 Page 2| Xaviar Meets Eyepatch Zeregaki

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Xaviar's POV

It's just another typical day, but Kiba and i were supposed to be having a great date, but no my stupid crazy mom adopted more children and brought them to the ice-cream shop where Kiba and i were, I wish she was in jail for what she's been doing. So i'm currently waiting outside for Kiba terrified to be recognized by my crazy mother. At least she didn't see me, but i know she saw Kiba. "Hey you look terrified you ok?" this strange girl or boy with an eyepatch on her eye shows up out of nowhere. "Uhhh haha yeah i'm fine, and no i'm not terrified." i say struggling to talk to a stranger. "You sure bout that you seem pretty terrified to me." She or he says i can't tell there gender cause the voice is low and they look like a girl then they look like a boy. Kiba comes out the door looking at me like "let's get out of here right now". "I look down like theres a person help." Kiba looks at the girl or boy still don't know the person's gender. "Hey Kiba." the girl or boy says apparently the person knows my boyfriend yay. "Hey Eyepatch." Kiba says not faced by her talking to him at all. "Is it me or is this guy terrified." Eyepatch i believe that's what Kiba called the person says. "Umm...that guy is my boyfriend." Kiba finally says except says it awkwardly. "Oh..." Eyepatch says dissapointed. "Kiba can we go please?" i say still looking at the ground not wanting to be anywhere near my crazy psycho mother. "Hey Eyepatch i got to go i'm supposed to be spending the day with my boyfriend today." Kiba says explaining himself. "k have fun." Eyepatch says looking at me then walks through the door to the icecream shop, Kiba and i just left. Kiba and i are having a great time now that we are away from my crazy psycho mom and that weird person thats either a girl or boy i don't even know. "Hey you two its time for dinner!" Naruto walks into Kiba and his room like woah hey i'm here. Kiba responds to him of course "Ok be there in a minute." Kiba says looking at Naruto then looks at me. I just say nothing. Naruto leaves letting Kiba's mom, dad, little sister, and older brother, then lets his little sister know. "Hey Kiba i was wondering. Why do you and Naruto share a room?" I say concerned looking at him seriously. "Cause it's easier to like hang out as bff's yah know." Kiba says being truthful with me. "Ok." i say hugging him. He hugs me back. "We should go to the table and go eat." he says as his tummy growls indicating he's hungry. "Ok haha." i laugh looking at him. We head to the table. I see Queen Amberly is glowing radiant like always. Yet Princess Layla is like her mom that way. King Jack, Prince Max, and Kiba all look the same except King Jack looks like an older version of Max. Max looks like an older version of Kiba. Then there's Naruto and Opal with there orange eyes and hair, but Opal's hair is all the way to her butt. A guard came in saying that a Sascram is here, whatever that means. Then a girl with long black hair and all serious says "Sorry to interupt your dinner Amberly, Jack, Layla, Max, Kiba, Naruto, Opal, and person i don't know, but this is urgent if you allow me, Amberly i need Kiba and Naruto. I look at Kiba, Kiba looks at me concerned. "Of course Sascram." Queen Amberly says. Kiba gets up then kisses me, i kiss back. After that Naruto gets up and they leave. I don't know what to make of what just happened. I just wanted Kiba by me safely. Layla hugs me letting me know it will be alright. I hug her back. "He should be fine." Max says trying to be heartless, but i know he's worried about his lil' brother. I've never seen max so concerned in my life. I wondered. "Why? why did Kiba have to go?" i just wanted him back in my arms safe. I don't know what's going to happen to him or what's going on, but i really really want Kiba to be right next to me and tell me everything will be ok. Kiba who was that chick and why did you leave me? i just want you back home safe with me. Am i getting jealous? no i'm not stop you stupid self. 

Naruto's POV

"Hey lead what is this even about?" I say hoping it's not going to kill us, but when i look back i remembered that Kiba and i are supposed to be dead cause we got like a huge whole in our body and basically our heart stopped and everyone thought we were dead then realized that in the end we were alive. I still remember it like yesterday. i remember that I was almost sent to jail for saving Kiba. he was so protective of me when Eyepatch and Cagey came and thought i was bad and i didn't know them at all. I realize how much easier it got for me. "We have a knew member." Lead says so nicely and loudly. I look over at Shikamaru he looks at me and we both look at each other concernedly. I look at Eyepatch and then i see her like mad or something i don't know. I have observed so many people, but never thought that we would end up with a knew member on the team. I look at Kiba and he looks at me and we both agree something is up. Since i remember around when the team was created and Kiba and i were invited to join the team we haven't had knew members since then and that was years ago.

(Hey Peeps so that took me forever to update also on the 3rd page when it comes out the rest of Naruto's POV will be there and then a bunch of unexpected stuff will happen so just be ready for that. Also i'm trying my best to update my other books while i update this one so just be ready for alot of updates.)

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