Chapter 1 Page 4| Mylee's Sad Twisted Background

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Ever since i can remember i've been a little messed up in the head, let me take that back. I'm way more messed up in the head then everybody else. Let's just say ever since i was six i always found a boy i liked and any girl that tried to get in the way haha let's just say it never goes well for them. "AAAAAAAAH! SOMEONE HELP ME SHE'S TRYNG TO KILL ME!" Tessa screams as she trips over a rock and falls turning to where she can see me and she uses her hands to back away, but that gives me the chance to kill her. So i pin her down taking my knife and stabs her till she's dead. "Huh well i better clean myself up, before the police find out i murdered her. Which is not the reason we moved. We moved, cause my mom didn't want me to die. You can say i'm a yandere. When i realize now, my senpai at my old school never noticed me, but that's going to change here cause i will make cutie notice me. He will notice me. If he doesn't I will go INSANE! 

The next day

This is when i was at my school.

I was walking to school when i saw Kaira with my senpai excuse my language but that bitch. I've always hated Kaira ever since the day i met her. Which brings me back to that day when she was knew to the school. "Everyone can i have your attention please we have a knew student today!" the teacher says as the knew girl speaks "Hi there i'm Kaira Stempson and i hope to have so many knew great friends here." Kaira introduces herself kinda pissing me off. "Kaira you may take a seat by Yan-Chan-Mylee!" the teacher says as Kaira comes and sits by me. "Hi, i hope we can be friends." Kaira says smiling at me. I just put in my headphones and do the work that is due tomorrow. Kaira looks at me a little dissapointed. Time goes by and the bell rings. My best friend Reyla comes up to me and Kaira. Kaira trys to be friends with her like she tried to be friends with me, but Reyla ignores her. "Yan-Mylee-Chan you coming!?" she says rushing. I give her one of the secret signals that we have to let her know i'm coming so that i don't have to talk. Reyla smiles knowing i'm coming. "Hey Kaira, don't hang with them they're." Maria stops and whispers in Kaira's ear but i heard and Reyla heard. "There a little weird and crazy. They are messed up. You don't want to hang around by them." Kaira looks at Maria and then looks at me and Reyla. Reyla gets mad real mad. "You know what Maria you don't even know me and Yan-Mylee-Chan, So you can mind your own business you jerk!" Reyla yells at Maria mad. I put my hand on Reyla's shoulder letting her know that i'm going to kill Maria later. Reyla and i are both yandere's so Reyla understands when i pat her on the shoulder. Reyla smiles then walks by my side as we leave the room. While Kaira and Maria look at each other confused. "Hey Yan-Mylee-Chan i just realized you only do our secret signs and hand gestures instead of talking." Reyla says as Maria and Kaira end up being behind us. I whisper in Reyla's ear where they can't hear "It's best if people don't what i sound like." I say making Maria and Kaira a little suspicious of what i said. "oh ok" Reyla says. She turns around noticing that Maria and Kaira were right there. "Oh hey Reyla so you really think smiling just cause your best friend touches you and leaving was a good idea." Maria says all sassy. "How bout you shut up." i say not facing them still turned the direction Reyla and i were walking. "Wait who said that?" Maria says confused. Reyla looks at me with her eyes wide opened. Knowing i don't talk unless someone is going to die right then and there. Reyla looks at Maria with her eyes wide open. "huh Reyla whats wrong." Maria says not being mean anymore and scared a little bit. I turn around and face Maria looking at her straight in the eyes. "You think your so great and you think your so much better then everyone. WELL GUESS MARIA CLAUSIA YOUR NOT! NOBODY THATS ALIVE IS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE! WE ALL AREN'T PERFECT FACE THE FACTS!" i say and then yell at Maria. Maria's eyes widen open. "You just spoke Mylee." Maria said knowing that i never talk. i smile "Yeah i did you jerk." i say as Reyla takes Kaira away. Making Kaira confused. When they finally left, i take out the knife. Maria's eye's widen open "So your the one that killed Tessa!" she says as i smile "yeah and guess what your next!" i take the knife and pin her down to the ground. "MYLEE STOP!" she screams nobody hearing her cause they are all distracted by Reyla and Kaira being scared. Reyla faking it, but Kaira actually scared. "Nobody can hear you Maria. Nobody besides me." I say taking the knife and stabbing her till' she's dead. I leave cleaning myself up and thank gosh i have extra clothes that look exactly the same here. I take the bloody ones and throw them in the burner as i put the clean ones with no evidence on and take the knife and burn that in the burner to, cause i have so many other knifes that are the exact same as the one i used to kill Tessa and Maria. I come out of the bathroom to find everyone surrounded by Maria's dead body i pretend to be surprised when i come out. "Oh my gosh! Yan-Chan-Mylee! Can you believe this Maria's dead!" Tyler says shaking me back and forth as i still act surprised. "Tyler who killed her?" I say with my voice trembling. "I Don't know! i don't know anyone who would want to kill Maria nor Tessa!" he says scared.

(hey guys Mylee's sad twisted background story will have a second part, but that will come later in the book. I hoped you enjoyed this twisted sad story.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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