Chapter 1 Page 3| The Knew Member

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Naruto's POV Ending

So why do we have a knew member now? Again I think somethings up, but I don't really know and hopefully everyone will be ok. I just hope this knew member isn't a jerk or will betray us or do something they shouldn't or something like that. As long as they are a good person, i won't care.

Mylee The New Members POV 

I just moved to Texas and i know nothing about whats going on here. I keep hearing people talk about how great Prince kiba is. So does that mean there is a prince of our country, and a princess, and a king and queen? hold up i'm overthinking  again. How did this with me get to be a knew member of this thing in the first place? well i'm going to tell you. When my mom, dad, little brother, older sister and i got here i saw applications and decided to fill it out and well now i'm a knew member of what though? i really don't know what i'm a knew member of. You see i moved from Germany to here. I know alot of the german language it's my main language, but i also can say that moving to Texas is going to be hard because i don't know what they speak, but i know a bunch english too so i just hope they speak english or german. I'm just wanting to sleep, but my knew leader asked me to come to this cause it was important. Oh here she goes. "Everyone i know your wandering, why is there a knew member now after all these years, well our knew member just moved here in Texas and she signed up to join the team and of course i accepted. So welcome the newest member Mylee Carten." She says looking at me, i look at then all the people that are here i realize that this may be a bad idea especially seeing a girl with an eyepatch here. Oh my gosh, but the guy with orange hair is cute. 

Now we are back to Kiba's POV

I see the knew girl look straight at Naruto and realizes she likes him, but of course he doesn't notice. Of course he won't notice of all the people here, because he just wants to go back to the castle and sleep and i agree with him on that. Then Eyepatch comes up to us and the knew girl is staring her down like no that is mine. "Hey is it me or does the knew girl like Naruto?" Eyepatch says looking at her then back. "WHAT!?" Naruto says loudly not realizing it everybody looks at us and stares and then goes back to talking. I face-palm myself, because of Naruto's stupidity. Eyepatch hits Naruto on the head "You moran be queit." Eyepatch says basically putting Naruto in his place and i look at the knew girl and she looked mad so i just ignored that. Lead comes up to us. "Hey aren't you guys going to go talk to the knew girl to get to know her better?" Lead asks us. "Lead we think she likes Naruto already." I say not being loud like Naruto. "What are you serious?" lead says confused. "Yeah." Eyepatch says.

back to Mylee's POV

I can't believe that girl hit senpai in the head. Wait i just called him senpai shoot i'm doing what i did in Germany. I told myself i wouldn't go that rout again. Lead leaves cuties group then comes up to me and tells me to follow her so i follow her realizing she is bringing right to cuties group. I hear them talking. "No i'm just saying your loud you idiot." the girl with the eyepatch yells at cutie. "haha making a fuss about it is stupid." cutie says back. "Will you guys knock it off." the guy next to cutie says trying to stop them from fighting. "Hey all of you shut up for a sec." says lead shutting them up instantly. Cutie looks at me so i look down. "Mylee, pay attention." says lead so i look up at her then look at them. "Mylee this is Eyepatch Zeregaki rank 3rd on this team." says lead starting up, and i just nod my head to let her know i'm paying attention. "This is Naruto Fire Dawn Uzumaki, rank 7th on this team." she says as cutie waves. "Last, but not least Kiba Shiba Seen the 2nd prince of Texas and 6th rank on this team." says lead. I just look at them. "Hi." Eyepatch says talking to me. i bring my arm up indicating hi through that. 

Naruto's POV

If this girl likes me i'm going to lose my mind, because i already had a love and then she died in my arms. I don't want a repeat of that, no that would be a nightmare all over again for me. Since Hinata died in my arms i haven't been into relationships and unlike Kiba i'm completely straight. Kiba is only half straight and i really don't count that considering what i've been through. He knows i don't, but if i end up finding out i'm gay then i'm going to be mad at myself. Although that girl is still staring at me. Please stop i'm nothing special. Her staring at me is very uncomfortable. I want to say something, but then if she does like me she will start stumbling with her words and get overconfident cause she likes me and i talked to her. This is what i'm going to do i'm just going to ignore her. "Lead are we aloud to go now considering that you only did an announcement that we have a knew member?" Kiba asks wanting to get back to Xaviar. I fully agree with him on leaving cause i want this girl to stop staring at me considering that i'm bad at relationships. "yeah go ahead if you want, but just remember we have a meeting on Thursday." Lead says giving us permission to leave. 

(Hey sorry for the wait on the third page.) 

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