5️⃣ (end)

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Gray started to run to the entrance booth a got a ticket pass to the park.

"Welcome to Fairy Park! Where Love and Dreams come true!"

He looked around, hoping to find Juvia. Then, He saw a familiar shade of Blue hair.


Juvia stopped as she heard the voice of the man she had once loved.


"Juvia, who is this man?" Lyon asked.

"Juvia.. I'm so sorry.."

"You don't have to be sorry, Gray. Juvia has a boyfriend now. Juvia wishes you the best."

Gray couldn't believe his ears. He noticed the white haired man beside Juvia. But he wasn't giving up.

"It's okay. I'm happy for you two. But please, give me time to talk to you, even if it's the last time I do."

Juvia gave Lyon a smile. "Okay... but don't do anything to her got it?!" Lyon said to Gray.


Juvia and Gray bought a ticket to the Ferris wheel.

They sat down in one of the ferris wheel cars.

"Juvia, I'm sorry. I've been an idiot."

"It's okay Gray. Juvia forgives you."

"I've made you suffer, I am so selfish, I am so pathetic and I'm a good for nothing person." Gray started crying.

Juvia felt her heart sting. She hated the sight of Gray crying, or if he was sad. She hugged Gray.

"Don't say that!" Juvia cried. "You have been my first best friend when my Family died, You gave me hope and made me feel special. Don't ever say you are worthless because even if the world is against you, I will always love you, just like I have since we first met."

Gray looked at Juvia. "Juvia.."

"Even though Juvia has a boyfriend, It's never the same if I'm not with you. Juvia has been trying to forget you by getting a date, But I can't! I'm still heartbroken, I still love you! I can't stop-"

Gray didn't waste a second and smashed his lips onto hers. Juvia kisses back. Their tongues were exchanging saliva, and they were melting in their passionate kiss.

But they broke the kiss to catch some air.


"Juvia, I love you."

"I love you too."

"You do? After all I've done?"

"Yes Gray-sama." Juvia breathed in. "Falling in Love is a long, emotional rollercoaster. But if it means I'll be with you in the end, then I'll gladly ride on it forever." Juvia said.

Gray smiled. "Thank you. For everything."

"What about you and Lissana?" Juvia asked.

"We broke up, turns out she was a cheater and she never changed."

"Oh... Sorry."

"It's no big deal. She was never the one for me anyways."

"Gray-sama, what happened to your cheek?"

Gray sweatdropped. "Well, uh.. Lucy gave me a lesson.."

Juvia suddenly remembered Lucy saying the exact same words.. "Oh my.. Juvia will treat those later."

"But what about you and Lyon?"

"I figured that I'll be honest with him..."

"Goodluck." Gray pats her shoulder.

"We're forgetting something." Gray said.

"Huh? What is it Gray-sama?"

Gray smirked. "Let's go ride on the rollercoaster." He let out his hand.

Juvia gave a big, happy smile and took his hand before exiting the ferris wheel.

They went to the rollercoaster, hand in hand, happy as ever.

"Juvia will never forget this day! Juvia loves her Gray-sama!"

"I love you too, Juvia." He placed his hand on hers.

Then, The rollercoaster started.

The duo screamed and laugh, just like the old days.

The End ♡

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