Chapter 2

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Wes was meeting me at the gym in a hour so we could get lunch together I've seen him everyday this week and three days last week

I was currently getting my cardio in with a friend Dave we were currently dancing to my heart won't let you go by Massad

We've went over this dance at least twenty times by the time wesley gets here and we go for another when I notice him standing there watching me

"Hey wes" I go hug him quickly before going over and saying goodbye to Dave

"So where are we eating today?" He asks

"Let's go to my house I'll make us something I need to shower anyway" he nods and as we drive he takes my hand it makes me nervous because we do coupled things but we are definitely not a couple

"Come on pretty boy" I run up my stairs him hot on my heels

"Open the door" he calls when I run from the front door to my room laughing because wes tripped on a step

"Ok hold on" I get my shower things ready and strip wrapping a robe on my now bare body

"You done yet"

"I'm done and naked so don't look I'll take a real quick shower and then make us food ok?"

"Alright I'll just sit here I guess?" He looked really unsure

"Hun just follow some people on twitter, I'm not the average girl my shower will be ten minutes tops" I smile and head into the bathroom

Halfway through the shower I hear a light knock on the door

"Yea?" I peak my head out

"I have to um.... Relieve myself?"

"Oh I guess just come in I won't look" I blush the deepest shade of red

Soon enough I hear the door open and his zipper making me close my eyes and drown out my thoughts with the ice water down my face back and legs

"Wes I'm done so can you hand me the towel when your done?"

"Of course" he washes his hands and opens the curtain just enough to hand me the towel I notice his other hand covers his eyes

"Thank you kind gentleman" we both laugh as I wrap the towel around myself before grabbing my robe off the door and quickly switching the two and pulling wes into the kitchen

"So what are we having?" His eyes pull me in so quickly I almost forget to answer him

"Is fruit salad ok?" He nods so I grab strawberries cantaloupe pineapple mandarin oranges and so on he stays close watching me while I work the fact I'm still undressed is making me blush full body

"Done so you can start to eat while I go put some clothes on" he blushes probably remembering the only thing separating his eyes and my body is a flimsy piece of fabric


Spending my days with wesley and staying up all night at work catch up to me as I doze off watching soccer with him my head lolling onto his shoulder



Just before Brazil shot another goal I feel her hair tickle my arm turning over I see she's fallen asleep, studying her face I see the circles under her eyes the way her breathe deepens just a bit more as she gets comfortable curling into my chest

Ever so softly I lay back pulling her with me so I don't wake her she snuggles closer into my shirt light snores falling from her lips ever when she's sleeping she draws your attention in

Pull it together wes she probably has a boyfriend she hasn't mentioned, or a girlfriend that's a possibility.

I put her hair behind her ear and watch her for a bit longer before the game is over and I cover us with a blanket from the arm of her recliner and try to sleep as well



When did my bed get so fucking hard?

I lean up and come face to face with a sleeping wes I stop breathing as his arms pull me back him mumbling in his sleep

How the fuck did I get here?

I try to think and last thing I remember was watching soccer

"Stop moving around" wes pulls me so were spooning on my couch instead of me lying on his chest, his head rest in my neck kissing the skin where my neck and shoulder met making me stop all movements he soon enough falls back asleep so I risk looking at the clock on my kitchen counter

10:00pm it reads I sigh and hold Wesley's hand on my stomach before going back to bed


I wake up again at three to wesley whispering

"I'm at seanas house keat don't worry I'm safe I'm sorry I didn't call but I gotta go before she wakes up" he hangs up and sets his phone on the couch arm above us my head now on his chest

"Are you in trouble?" I whisper afraid of startling him

"No keaton was worried I was supposed to go over there but I ended up here instead" he smiles down at me

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep"

"Don't worry about it I did too"

"Yea I guess you're right" I smile at him before he awkwardly shifts

"Can I ask you something?" I nod

"Of course"

"Do you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend cause that's totally cool also" I laugh as he blushes furiously

"No wes I'm a single pringle "


"Yea...."the awkward tension in the air is killing me so I lay back down on his chest listening to his heart beat

I feel his lips on my forehead as I fall back under

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