Chapter 19

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Wes left early the next day, only after I'd gotten out of my jeep did I realize I didn't have my phone but wes'

Fuck I don't have my phone I guess it's a good thing really I can't use it during work anyway

"Jesus will you stop vibrating!" I yell at his phone pulling it from my pocket and seeing he has five new text from a Shay


Text me back douche


Tell me how the bets going


You're in to deep


She'll eventually find out


It's not just a get anymore I actually like her ... Like a lot


A bets a bet

What the fuck did I just stumble into?

"Wes?hey you took my phone this morning"

"You did read my messages did you?" His voice is nervous

"No I didn't" I lie through my teeth

"Ok well can you came by during lunch and well trade back?"

"Yea, yea of course"

"Alright well bye"

"Bye" I hang up his phone and stare at it before I write down this shays number and go on with my work


"Hey how was work?"

I hold his phone out to him

"Good I need to get back though this was a bit farther than my normal lunch spot" I tell him from the cafe he suggested we met at

"Sorry about that"

"Don't worry about it anyway I've got to go" he grabs me by my waist and kisses me gently

"You know I love you right?"

"Yea ... Of course"

"Alright just making sure you know" he lets me go and watches me leave

I don't tell wes I didn't need to go back to work that day instead I went home and texted this shay

To shay:We need to met you know so sing I don't and I plan to find out

From shay: I'm guessing this is seana and you wanna know about wes?

To shay: just met me

After texting them my address I was not expecting a blonde girl maybe a year older to sit down across from me at the cafe

"Nice to met you seana" she slides a folder across the table and I raise a eyebrow

"What's this?"

"All the details of mine and Wesley's bet"

"What bet?"

"It's all in there once you read it over and want to talk you have my number" she stands and leaves without another word


7 months he's been lying to me

He knew who I was before we met he'd watch me run down the shore everyday from the waves, he knew I didn't have a boyfriend, he knew I was going to be a challenge and when shayla bet him he couldn't sleep with me his ego got the best of him and he took it

They had pictures of me either running or at the gym ,me out with Dave, me with Cleo, he'll even pictures of me leaving work shay did her research on me

The days together, bringing my father back to me, the party, it was all one big lie and I was completely oblivious

"Hey baby you called me?" Wes yells from the door I sit with my legs tucked under me and a glass of wine in my hand the folder laid out I front of me

After a moment of silence he sees the papers on the table and I won't make eye contact with him

"Baby is everything alright" I stand and throw my glass at him shattering on the wall to his left

"Seana what the fuck" my anger bubbles and I punch him, straddling him I keep swinging

"You lying fuck! You used me! I gave up the best relationship in my life for you!" I keep hitting him even after he grabs my arms in and attempt to stop me

"How could you!" My tears run freely as I stop fighting and he holds me

"Seana I can explain"

"I don't want a explanation! I want you to leave and never come back!" I fight out of his hold on me

"You don't mean that" he talks to me like I'm some rabid animal

"Yes I do! You took my virginity as a fucking game! Tell me wes what did you get out of it Huh?" I push his chest

"I... I... Money" he looks down at the floor

"Get out of my house now or I'm calling the cops" I turn my back on him and soon enough I hear his footsteps walk out

Grabbing my phone I call the one person I want here with me


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