Chapter 7

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Dear wesley,

I miss you ever time I think of you which is always, I want to tell you where I am but no matter how much I want to I can't it's against direct orders my tour will be over in three months I'll write you everyday till I'm home again.

These past three days are the worst since I've met you because I know you love me now and I can't pretend I'm not hurting you because you don't care, today everyone got letters from loved ones and I got a call to base from my dad so that's good

God I miss you voice... He'll I just miss you in general it's crazy how when I moved to Huntington I never expected to find someone I wanted to be with let alone want to be with me too.

Oh do me a favor and tell Cleo I miss her

I must be going now so I'll be waiting for a reply

Love always,

Seana Lane

I've read her letter short and sweet twelve times since I got it and I miss her a lot so today I was writing back

Dear seana,

I miss you too and I do love you. I thought that would be good to open with you know? Anyway you are so beautiful, I keep finding myself staring at the pictures of you in my phone. I need you to stay safe and come home soon. When you get back I have a week before tour starts and I'd really like you to take leave so you can come with me. Cleo says hi and she misses you too. I saw your dad yesterday he said he found out it was your previous commander who approved your request and framed your dad so don't be mad at him he loves you and he's trying everything to get you home. Be careful sea I don't know what I'll do without you

Love always,

Wesley Stromberg

I need to send this right away, so she'll get it and hopefully be like me and read them all night

On my way out my door I see Cleo pacing in the hallway

"Cleo? What are you doing here?"

"Oh wes I was just...." She forces herself onto me making me stand still in shock

"Wes?" Keaton stands at the end of the hallway

"Keaton it's not-" he shakes his head

"How can you do that to Seana and you!" He turns to Cleo "She's your best friend! What is wrong with you!" He pushes past us and back into the house

"I'm sorry wes I just I liked you first and sea knew that she went after you anyway...."she starts to cry

"Hey don't worry I'm not mad, I just Cleo I love her I can't just forget about her for you it's not how this works" I try to let her down easy

"You could love me if you tried" she looks at me with her big brown eyes and I have to shake my head

"I'm sorry Cleo" I move past her

"I'll tell her wesley" her words stop me dead in my tracks

"What?" Her smirk is clear as day

"I'll tell her how do you think she'd like a call 'sea your boyfriend threw himself at me! I tried to stop him but he just....'" Her acting is flawless

"What do you want?" Everyone has a price

"I need the publicity my acting career needs a boost" she smiles and it makes me want to vomit

"Fine" I turn and walk to my car so I can mail the letter

"Damn it wesley what have yo gotten yourself into...." I murmur as I drive

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