Character Profile

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A/N: I have had this story idea for a while now, and I wanted to write it down. I hope you guys enjoy and hope you guys don't mind another story.

Name: Itami Uzumaki (Nagato is actually part of the Uzumaki clan, if you look it up there are pictures of him.)

Name Meaning: Pain Whirlpool

Age: 6 (Progresses throughout the story.)

Kekkei Genkai: Rinnegan

Chakra: Wind Release

Personality: Much like Nagato, she shows barely any emotion. She will show small smiles and small laughs, only if someone is close to her.

Appearance: Short red hair that cover her eyes, which are the Rinnegan. She has pale skin. Right now she is six, so her clothes are ripped from living on the streets of Amegakure, not to mention she's pretty skinny from not eating enough food. She has a light gray shirt with dark brown pants, but they are dirty and torn up.

Likes: Reading, peace, training, etc.

Dislikes: Sour things, to sweet of things, being weak, etc.

Hobbies: Training, reading, walking alone, hanging out in the forest, etc.

Dream: To bring peace to the world.

Weapons: Chakra rods

(Since her hair is short and she covers her eyes, she looks exactly like Nagato when he was younger. She also looks like a boy, so that's what everyone assumes. I will post pictures of what she looks like throughout the book as she grows older.)

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