Chapter Thirteen

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  A/N: Hope you enjoy and onto the chapter!

Itami's P.O.V

I heard the door open and looked to see Naruto and Sakura walk in. Nodding to them I looked back to the three puppies and picked one up as the other two started fighting. I rose an eyebrow as they tackled each other, and they nipped at each other's ears. The one in my arms jumped onto my head and laid there while watching the other two. The two ended up on their backs and I rolled my eyes before picking them up. They looked up at me and I gave a small smile before I had them all disappear. I could tell everyone was getting annoyed from Kakashi not being here so I did some hand signs. I noticed the ANBU looking at me, but I continued on and put my hand on the ground.
"Summoning Jutsu."
There was a poof, and standing in front of me was the one and only Kakashi. They all stared at me while I stood up and crossed my arms with my eyes closed.
"Now that Kakashi is here I can give you a mission.
"Your mission is to capture a cat names Tora."
We nodded and received a mic to communicate before leaving.

~~~~Time Skip to Forest~~~~

We all stayed in the trees and watched our target.
"Sasuke, Point B."

"Sakura, Point C."

"Itami, Point A."

"......*static*...... Naruto, Point D believe it!!"

"You're slow Naruto. What's your distance from the target?"

"Hn. Five meters."

"*quiet squeal* Five meters!"

"Five meters."

"Five meters, I'm ready when you are!"

The target moved and Kakashi gave us the signal.
"Target is on the move, act now!"
We all jumped out and Naruto grabbed the cat.
"Verification ribbon on right ear?"
"Positive I.D. target captured."
I sighed at them and the cat jumped from Naruto's arms. Before it could escape I picked him up gently and watched the scene in front of me. Feeling my ears ringing wasn't very pleasant, but at least my ears weren't bleeding. We walked back to the Hokage's office, and the lady ended up hugging both me and the cat in a death grip. Once she let go of me I stayed standing, and after she left I fell onto my behind and put a hand on my ribs and pushed lightly.
"No ribs are broken, but I may have a bruise for getting crushed in a death grip."
I stood back up and the Hokage started talking about more missions.
"Now you can babysit a lord's children, or go shopping for a lady-"
"No! No more baby missions! I want a real mission!"
Naruto made an 'x' with his arms and started yelling nonsense. I just didn't listen since I didn't feel like getting a headache. After a second I snapped my eyes up and out the window. I looked outside before looking back to what was going on.
"So I had chicken ramen yesterday, and I thought I could get miso ramen today."
Naruto was talking and everyone was listening to him except the Hokage and Iruka.
"Are you even listening!?"
"I'm not that brat that was pranking everyone anymore! I'm a ninja and I want a real mission!"
"So he says he isn't a brat anymore, very well I'll give you a better mission. You'll be escorting a man to the Land of Waves."
Naruto jumped up and down excitedly and looked at the Hokage.
"Who are we escorting!? A princess!? Or a futal lord!?"
"Be patient Naruto, bring him in."
The door opened and a man that smelled strongly of sake and he took a swing of said alcohol.
"A bunch of snot-nosed brats!? And you the small one with the idiotic look on your face, you really expect me to believe you're a ninja?"
"Who's the small one with the idiotic look on their face?"
We all stood in a line and Naruto figured out it was him the man was talking about. First was Sasuke, then me, then Sakura, and lastly Naruto.
"I'll kill you!"
Naruto jumped at the man, but Kakashi held him back.
"My name is Tazuna, and I am the bridge builder. I expect you to sacrifice your lives for me."
My eyes narrowed and he looked at me, and his eyes widened.
"What is up with your eyes!?"
I stood with my arms crossed and looked at him.
"There is nothing wrong with my eyes."
"We will leave tomorrow morning, meet at the gates at 5 A.M."
With that, we were free to leave and I left through the door after passing Tazuna. Leaving the building I walked to the training grounds I've been using. I sighed and focused my chakra before trying to summon the King of Hell again. I sweat dropped once only the top of the head was on the ground.
"Better then anything I guess."
I made him go away and tried again.

~~~~Time Skip to 1:30 A.M.~~~~

Panting I knelt on one knee and closed one eye. I was able to summon him up to his eyes this time.
"I think that's enough training for today."
I got up from my kneeling position and started limp-walking to my house. On my way there I saw something black and red in the bushes. Walking closer I tried to see what it was, but it moved and got away. I shook it off and kept myself walking to my house. Once I got there I took my gear off and walked to the bathroom. Taking my clothes off I started the shower and got in. I washed myself off and washed my hair before rinsing it all off and turning the water off. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off before getting into my pajama's and walking to my bed. I sat down and sighed before deactivating my eyes. Laying down I looked at the ceiling before closing my eyes and falling asleep.  

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