Chapter Twenty-Two

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Itami's P.O.V

Walking to the entrance of the academy, I waited outside for my team. I stifled a yawn and looked around before getting bored before taking a book out. I leaned against the academy wall with my back and started reading, but I slowly felt my eyelids grow heavier, and heavier until I had them almost completely closed. Before I could fall asleep someone shook my shoulder.

"Itami? Are you alright?"

I looked up with my eyes opened and saw Sasuke standing with his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I just didn't get enough sleep."


I shook my head.


Again I shook my head and looked at him while rubbing my eye. "I had a haunting memory from when I was younger."

He nodded and took his had off my shoulder as I put my book away. 

No use in reading it if I'll only fall asleep. I leaned against the wall again before sighing and looking up at the sky.

"Were you crying?"

I tensed up slightly and looked at him. "Maybe, maybe not."

He looked at me until I sighed and nodded at him. "Yeah, I was,"

He nodded and Naruto came running over. All we had to do was wait for Sakura and we could go inside. About half an hour later she showed up, and she seemed to be out of confidence. We all walked inside and I stopped in front of Sakura for a second.
"You're strong Sakura, and I know you can do this." I turned around and gave her a small smile.
"You're my comrade and teammate after all."

She looked shocked for a second, and then she smiled at me. "Thank you, Itami."

I smiled at her again before catching up with our team. We all walked and once we got to the second floor there were a lot of people. I saw a girl get pushed to the ground and my team and I walked over.

"Remove the Genjutsu."
Everyone stared at Sasuke like he was insane, well except Sakura, Naruto, and I. Sasuke glanced at Sakura. "You noticed it too, didn't you?"

Sakura nodded and Sasuke glanced at me.


I nodded to him and looked at the two shinobi. I kept a blank look on my face and looked at the two. It just looked like two mini versions of Izumo and Kotetsu. As Sasuke and one of them were about to kick each other, which I saw no point in, Lee grabbed both of their legs. Neji came walking over with Tenten and he looked slightly annoyed.

"What about the plan of laying low?"

Lee gave an apologetic smile and looked at Sakura.

"You are Sakura, correct?"

All she did was give a nod and Lee was on his knees in front of her. "Please do me the honor of being my girlfriend!"

She looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head. "Um, no thanks."

"Why not?"

"You're..... too...... unique." I could tell she struggled to not hurt his feelings, but I'm not so sure it worked.

He went in the corner while I sighed and shook my head. He then noticed me and did the same thing to me. "I promise to protect you with my life, please be my girlfriend!"

I didn't really know what to do, but I decided to smile and look at him. "Uh, maybe some other day Lee, we have the chunin exams to worry about right now."

He smiled as he didn't hear a no, and spun me around while hugging me. 

My team looked at me like I had grown two heads and I just sighed before giving them a smile. 

Lee finally put me down and I tried not to show I was quite dizzy from it.

 Sakura grabbed my wrist and dragged me, as well as Sasuke and Naruto. I was still trying to process everything until we were stopped by Lee.

"You with the attitude! I challenge you to a fight!"

Sasuke smirked and I blocked the rest out, that is until I saw something pink start flying around me. 

Looking I saw pink hearts flying around and one touched my cheek. I felt so confused and just kind of stood there as more hit me.

"Itami, don't let those things touch you!"

I didn't really listen since they were almost all gone and the last one hit me in the eye. Luckily it didn't hurt, but I did close my eye for a second. After Lee tried to use the hidden lotus I summoned a chakra rod and aimed for the bandages. Luckily after I threw it, it hit where I wanted it to. 

A kunai came from somewhere and hit the other bandages, and we all looked over to see a red tortoise. 

Naruto said something, but I was to busy trying to figure out whose summon it was. 

I finally remembered and Guy appeared with a poof of smoke, and in a pose on the top of the tortoise.

"Lee! You know that move is forbidden!"

Lee was by his sensei and bowed. "I am sorry sensei!"

Guy had Lee get up, and he punched him in the face. 

I grabbed my chakra rod, and Guy saw me before running over and hugging me.

 I sighed, and Lee joined in soon after while I was trying to breathe. After a second of almost blacking out, they let me go and Guy smiled at me.

"I can't believe you're already in the chunin exams! I remember when you first came to the Leaf Village! You were so small, and adorable!"

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment and looked away. 

He kept talking about it until he realized Kakashi was my team leader.

"So how is Kakashi?"

I ignored everything else and finally stopped being embarrassed. I looked back up and saw my team walking away, so I walked over to them and followed. We made it to the doors and saw Kakashi standing outside. I rose a quiet eyebrow and wondered why he was here.

 He ended up telling us if Sakura didn't come we wouldn't be able to participate, and that he was proud. He let us pass and we walked into the room. 

We saw the other Genin of Konoha and walked over. 

I stood silently and took a book out to read since I was starting to get bored. Feeling something crawling on my leg I looked down to see a beetle, but since it wasn't bothering me I left it there. Someone came over and crouched beside me and I looked to see Shino looking at the beetle. I stayed still but moved a little bit to start reading my book again.

 Shino took the beetle off my leg and someone came over to us.

 He had gray hair and glasses.


A/N: I'm cringing at my old writing and tempted to just rewrite this entire story, but I don't know if I have to motivation with finals week coming up.

Anyway, please enjoy this story and tell me if anything is wrong or too repetitive.

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