First day on 🌎

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The cloud was floating in the air just in case to shield or hide the spaceship, to not gather attention. It was kilometers away from the ground level but yet the creatures inside the spaceship were getting the perfect view of the Earth. They admired Earth from a distance but didn't ever step a foot on it. V was excited. His body language had showed it all.

Unlike human beings, they don't speak using their tongues. They instead made use of signs as that was being followed from generations in their planet. They had visited almost all planets.

The planet wasn't oh so isolated; tall buildings stood up with pride sheltering the tiny ones and compelling the public that 'If you're looking for a place to shop/rent/eat/bank, this is the perfect place you are looking for and we WILL provide you with all the facilities. ' Sorry,  got a little carried down there. An alien wouldn't have an idea about 'shop/rent/eat/bank'.....right?

'Time passes too quickly in here' Xiumin, The Head of Aliens, had signalled his people. 'It sure does!' Kai signalled back. V in the midst of all the signalling was finding Earth amusing, alluring and somewhat danger hidden in the corners. Aliens are said to have a high IQ and it only takes them maybe a few seconds, minutes or hours to learn things. But days, it'd only stand as a legendary joke. Despite their IQ they have the abilities to read minds but only if they try reach out for someone's hands and get ahold of it and concentrate. But they only lack resources. The spaceship was actually stolen from the human beings who had visited Saturn like a few years back. Using their IQ they had learned to make use of it. Even me, the author could've sworn that Saturn would be a better place than Earth and they only lack resources.

They were finally landing, in a breezy, sandy and isolated place. A desert perhaps. It was hot, too hot for them to be exact. Saturn was quite far from their eternal fear, Sun's fuming and shining rays. The thing I don't get is, why would it matter to them? I mean they are head to toe naked. See, they couldn't even manage to sew clothes.

A very wild breeze had welcomed V. Great! What a great start. Just on the very first step on Earth and the weather raked his hair into a messy one. 'Yay! What a great friendship I have with you Mr. Wind!' V thought in his mind.

So, this is my new story I'd like to reward you with since my Accounting exam had went well.  By the way, pretend that they don't speak English and some random language. Please Vote!

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