1: The Child

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The shouts of Reaper and screams of Tracer filled Winston's ears as he stared at the now destroyed house. When he went to glare at Reaper, the whispy person was gone. Winston went to drag Tracer away but she quickly zapped out of his grip and crumbled around a small figure. 

"Winston it is the child." Winston stood there shocked. He knew no one could have survived that explosion, but somehow they did. Tracer picked up the child and walked back over to Winston. The small child looked around before looking up at Tracer when she stopped moving. 

Tracer looked at Winston and he nodded. They know something was different from that child. One, they survived something like that, and two, someone was hunting that family and she is still alive. "We can't take her to an orphanage, who this was would find them."

Winston sighed. "I'll deal with 76." Tracer smiled. "Come along now. Let get you cleaned up little one." The child looked at Winston and he smiled at them. Soot covered there face and they sneezed. 

"I will not have a child just running around the SECRET base." Tracer looked at the child as she wiped the rag across their face, working on getting the last bit of soot off their face. They flinched when they heard a loud bang, no doubt it being 76 slamming his fist on his desk in the office. "Hey, it's ok. Now, look at me love." Tracer made the kid look at her. "There is the pretty face of a  little girl." The little girl giggled at Tracer. "See everything is fine. 76 is just being serious." Tracer made a face of 'seriousness' at the kid then started to smile when soft giggles left the small being. 

"Fine! but they are Tracer's and your's responsibility." Winston walked out of the office and towards Tracer and the kid. He smiled at both of them. "Everything ok, love?" "Yeah." Tracer nodded before standing up. "He said they could stay but they were our responsibility." Tracer smiled before picking the kid up. "Come on love, you can stay in my room!" Tracer zoomed down the hallway with the girl, with Winston following at a normal speed. the little girl hugged Tracer as she carried her.

The small feet of the child swung back and forth as she sat on the cold metal table. Mercy was kind enough to do a checkup to make sure nothing was wrong with her. Tracer sat beside the girl coping her movement. When the small child noticed she giggled. "So besides being a bit underweight. nothing is wrong with her." "Thanks, Mercy." "So you want to tell me how you came across a 4-year-old?" Tracer looked at the kid before picking her up, much to her enjoyment, and set her in her lap. 

"It's a long story Mercy. One I don't think will be good for to rehear." The child looked up at the two ladies as they looked down at her. She smiled up at her. "You sure are quiet for a 4-year-old." "Yeah, she is." "Maybe she just isn't talkative." "Maybe. I do know that you need to go feed the child. It's around dinner time." "Let's then shall we love?" Tracer looked down at the kid and she nodded happily, humming slightly. Mercy chuckled as Tracer stood up and put the kid on her shoulders and made her way out. "Come on now Mercy. Come join us." Mercy smiled and followed Tracer as she walked down the hallway with the girl on her shoulders. 

Laughter could be heard in the hallway as Tracer rocked the small child side to side on her shoulders.  Tracer told the kid to duck and they did as Tracer walked into the cafeteria of the base. Everything got quiet as Tracer slowly set the kid down. "Um so anyone else sees the kid in the here too?" The small child gripped Tracer pants and hid behind her leg. "No worry love, no one is gonna hurt you." Tracer's words fell deaf on the child's ears. Tracer looked down at the girl. "Let's get something for you to eat, ok?" The child nodded her head and followed Tracer, still feeling everyone's eyes on her. Tracer didn't know what she would eat so she got a bit of everything before putting stuff on another plate for herself. When she finished, Tracer started to walk to an empty table, for the small girl's sake. 

When she set the plates down, both of them sat down side by side. Tracer started to eat as the young one just stared at the food.  Mercy came and sat on the opposite side of Tracer as Soldier 76 and Winston walked in, talking. Winston looked upset and stopped talking. "Are you not going to eat?" The small green eyes looked up at Mercy. Winston stood behind the girls that had their back to him. He was about to sit beside the child before hearing what Mercy said. "You know you can, right?" The small child nodded as Mercy looked up at Winston. He sighed before sitting beside the child. 

The child didn't look at anyone as she eats. Her mood had done a full 360 turn and the three at the table knew it. 76 watched the four before leaving with his food. Mei, D.Va, and Lúcio all looked at each other before finishing and leaving the area. 

The child yawned as she rested on Tracer. Tracer gripped the arm around her waist as she moved a bit. Mercy had gone back to the med bay to work on something so Tracer, the kid, and Winston sat in the small little lounge room. D.Va and  Lúcio played on the tv with one of D.Va's gaming console she set up in the lounge. 

"So what's up with the kid?" Winston and Tracer stop their small conversation and looked over at the two. "What do you mean?" "Like where is she from? What's she doing here?" The small girl looked over at the two playing games before snuggling back into Tracer's stomach. 

"We basically saved her. Someone from Talon is after her." The two stopped playing and looked back at Winston. "Really?" Tracer nodded her head. "Poor thing." "She lost her whole family." "Well, she has us now." D.Va smiled at the tired girl and she gave off a tired smile back. "So what's her name?" Winston and Tracer stopped then looked down at the girl. "Are you two serious?"  Lúcio as in disbelief. "Had y'all not ask her?" Tracer looked down at the small girl. "It's Kisa." "So she speaks."

"It's cute." Kisa shrugged before curling back in Tracer's lap. "I think it is time for someone to go to bed." Tracer stood up after picking up Kisa so she could carry her. Tracer left the area and went towards the hallway. 

"What did you mean by you basically saved her?" Winston looked over at Lúcio. "We saved her." "In details man."  Lúcio whined as D.Va hit him. Winston sighed. "Tracer and I were sent to protect a family of 4 because we had gotten word that they were being targeted. So we get there. Nothing really happened the bit we were there. It was a few days since we got there, we had only talked to the parents. They said that they were planning to go into hiding. Stay with some family without anyone knowing. So they told us we could go ahead and leave." "And we listen to them." The three turned and looked at Tracer. Her usually happy smile not on her face. "We listen to them and as soon as we walked out of the door. Reaper appeared along with some of the other men from Talon. We started to fight, you know like normal. Trying to protect the family."

Tracer walked back from the hallway back to her seat. "Something happened and the place exploded. It wasn't Talon. Or it was and Reaper didn't know it was gonna happen because he was pissed that the place was destroyed. The family was killed except Kisa. " "Wow. Poor girl."

"And for some reason that gave you the right to bring her here?" Now the four turned to the hallway that Tracer had come from. Solder 76 stood in the doorway. "They were hunting that family." "And you think a 4-year-old knows why." Tracer stood up. "Yeah, I think so." She stormed past him as she went back down the hallway.

D.Va and Lúcio turned back to the tv and continue to play their game. Winston continues to look at 76 before 76 turning away and going past the lounge area.

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