3: Tracer Returns

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The child laid down on the metal exam table and with a pillow and blanket. Mercy checked over at her every once and a while as she worked on some experiments. She had put all of Kisa stuff, besides her lamb, in her room that she shares with Tracer. When she went in there she saw a pallet of blankets on the floor with a few pillows. Mercy guesses that's where Tracer slept because she wouldn't have let the child sleep on the floor.

Mercy turned and rolled her chair over to the child. She decided to pick her up and take her to her own bedroom before going to her own room. The small child woke up as Mercy picked her up. "Huh?" "It's ok Kisa. Go back to sleep." The child nodded and laid her head back down. As Mercy walked down the hallway, she heard talking. "Winston come on. Mercy has her. I promise you she is safe." Mercy slowly opened the door to Tracer's and Kisa's room to see Winston and Genji. Winston sighed. "Thank god." "See I told you." Kisa looked up at Winston and Genji before reaching her hands out to Winston.

Winston smiled before taking her. "Did you have a good day?" She nodded her head as Genji left the room. "Winston," Winston looked up at Mercy as she moved closer to the two. She softly lifted up a bit of Kisa's dirty blonde hair. A dark black inky number marked her pale skin on the back of her neck. "What is it Mercy?" "I...don't know." Mercy touched the mark softly, causing a shriek to leave Kisa as she tried to pull away from her. Mercy jumped back from the sound and looked a Kisa as she moved closer to Winston.

"Sorry Liebling. I didn't mean to harm you." Winston set the child on the bed. "Night Kisa." He covered her up with a blanket and walked towards Mercy as she went out of the door. He closed the door before looking at her. "What did you see on her neck?"

A small child laying on a cold medical exam table in a pure white room. The hard metal table set shivers through her body as she laid there, unable to move because of the restraints. She shivered once again as she heard the door off to her left open and the clicking of shoes came closer to her. "Good morning young one." A whimper left the small girl's mouth as she started to thrash around on the table, trying to somehow break the leather bonds that held her down. A laughed fell from the lady's lips. "Let's start test one, shall we?" A scream left the girl's lips as an electric course hit her.

Kisa sitting in the corner on the bed by the wall huddled up, was how Genji found her. He didn't say anything as he sat down on the bed. "Kisa are you ok?" The small child looked up at him. He went to touch her arm but she attempted to move away, even though she couldn't. He saw this and stopped. "Do you want me to go get Winston?" He asked softly.

She just stared at him before finally nodding her head. He got up quickly and went to search for Winston. When he finally found Winston, he was in his lab. "Winston," Winston look to Genji as he stood at the doorway. "Something is up with Kisa." Winston came closer to him. "What's wrong?" "She is huddled up against the corner of the bed and won't let me touch her." Winston went past Genji and started his way to Tracer's room.

When he got there and opened the door, Kisa instantly went to him when he got close enough to her. She didn't move or answer when Winston asked if she was ok. He looked up at Genji as he stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. "She just had a nightmare. That was all." Genji nodded and sat down on the bed as Winston sat on the floor with the child clinging to him.

They both talked to Kisa while they waited for her to calm down. When she finally did, it didn't even look like she had a nightmare or was freaking out a couple of hours earlier. The small girl showed Genji and Winston all the toys she had gotten. They both smiled but everyone in that base could easily see that both of them were worried.

All three of them sat like that until Tracer had gotten back that same day. It was around noon when she finally did. Genji had moved from the bed down to the floor with Winston and Kisa.

"Whatcha up to?" Kisa smiled when she saw Tracer in the doorway. She got out of Winston's arms and hugged Tracer's legs. "Hey, there love." Kisa looked up at her. "Hi." Tracer picked her up. "So do you want to tell me why there is a little party in my room and I wasn't invited?" Winston spoke up. "Kisa had a nightmare last night and we were just calming her down. And after she was calm we just basically hung out in here." Tracer nodded. "Well I'm hungry, let's go eat, yeah?" Kisa nodded eagerly as Tracer walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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