Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I get up and wipe my tears away. That's it! I am getting out of here now. I search through the desk for something to use as a weapon. All I can find is a broken pair of scissors that seem to be begging to be used as a weapon. I look under the door and see what appears to be no one watching me. I wiggle the door knob and it opens with no problem, not even a squeak from the door hinges. I open the door cautiously and look for around. There is a short hallway that divides to go two ways, to the left and to the right. There are no cameras in the hallway. I walk carefully to the divide and I hear footsteps coming from the left hall. I wait silently and when he turns the corner I shove the broken scissors right through his throat.

P.S. Don't Mention ItOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant