Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

My feet touch soft grass and I start a sprint down the street. I keep running. I don't care that I'm not wearing shoes. I don't care about hitting into anyone. I don't care that I've killed someone. I just care that I made it out alive. All around me are really nice homes. I thought I was in some ratty neighborhood. Down the street there is a bright, bright light. I run faster towards it. My legs burn and my lungs do too. I can't breathe. I can't think. All I can see is that bright light. I have to act fast. I make a list in my head of what I'm going to do. 1. Ask where the hell I am, 2. Call the police, 3. Get them there, 4. Have those bastards locked up, and 5. Get back to Graceland and Mike.

My breath is ragged when I get to the light. It's a gas station. They don't have a pay phone so I go inside. While trying to catch my breath I ask for a phone to use, saying it's an emergency. The man behind the counter hands it to me. I ask him where I am and he tells me I'm in the suburbs of Las Angelas. With shaking hands I dial 911. My adrenaline has died down. The woman on the other line answers, "911 what's your emergency?" "I need the police please. I've was kidnapped and I just escaped, please help me!" I say and break down in tears because I'm finally free.

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