Promise Me

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I was attempting to scroll through my social media, when I felt Will's arm around me, I breathed a laugh, and shook my head.
"What do you want Will?" I chuckled.

He grinned ear to ear.
"I just wanna know, when you're gonna give 'meh a chance?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes, and sighed.
It wasn't anything against Will, I thought he was extremely attractive, and very sweet. The only problem was, I used to date an old friend of his.
Marty Scurll to be exact.
So, dating Will would most likely cause a huge fight. I already knew Marty hated when Will would flirt with me.

"Will, you know why. We've talked about this before." I smiled.

"Yeah, I know.." He trailed off, before grinning. "But, I've been here for less 'ven a minute 'nd I've already made you blush, are you really saying you aren't interested?" He asked.

I bit my lip to hide the smile that was forming.
"I never said's just I told Marty I wouldn't." I explained.

"What about, just one date? It couldn't hurt, right..?" He flirted.
I let out a sigh, as I thought it over.

"Fine Will, one date." I replied, knowing it probably wasn't the best idea, but it was still something I'd actually wanted to do for a while now, so I thought 'why not?'

He smirked, and cocked his brow.
"You won't regret this." He winked, before walking off.

I was happy about the date, but also felt a bit guilty for agreeing to it. I just hope it doesn't start anything stupid.


I was getting ready for my date when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Marty smiling softly.

Thankfully we'd managed to stay friends, so far anyway, things may change if he knew about the Will situation.
I faked a smile, and invited him in, he plopped down on the foot of my bed, while I continued to fix my makeup.

" 'ver 'ah reason you're so dressed up?" He said, looking me up and down, which I noticed in the mirror.

"Marty..stop looking at me like that!" I chuckled, as I turned to look at him. He bit his lip to hide his smile.

"Why? Last time I looked at you like 'vat, it worked out quite well for me.." He flirted, as he leaned back on my bed, propping himself up on his hands.

I blushed, and shook my head.
"No, Marty. No more break up sex." I chuckled, turning back to the mirror.

"'Vat's what you said 'va last three times Love." He winked.

I pursed my lips together, and exhaled sharply, continuing to blush.
"Marty..did you want something, other than to flirt with me?" I chuckled.

He breathed a laugh, and sat up.
"Me, and 'va rest of BC, are going out 'ta eat, and the guys wanted 'ta 'kno if 'ya wanted 'ta join us." He offered.

I bit my lip nervously, and shook my head.
"I can't Marty.." I trailed off.

"Oh..come on Love, don't stop hanging out with them because I'm an idiot." He chuckled. "They like you, way more than they like me anyways."

I giggled slightly, before turning to him.
"I..have a date tonight.." I said nervously. His smile faded, and he raised his eyebrows, trying not to frown.

He said neutrally, still seeming shocked.
"'Wif..?" He questioned, his tone weak and quiet.

"Um..I don't know if I should say.." I started.
He shrugged, and breathed a laugh.

"I'll 'ave 'ta find out eventually, right?" He said softly.
I let out a sigh, and pulled a chair up so I could sit across from him.

"Okay, listen, before I tell you, you have to know, it's only one date. Don't freak out. Chances are this is a one time thing, just so he'll drop it. Alright?" I started, he cocked his brow as he started to look confused, but he just nodded in response.
I cleared my throat.
"It's Will.."

His face fell, and his eyes widened.
"Will..? 'Ov all people it 'ad 'ta be him?" He asked.

I sighed.
"Marty, it's nothing. Okay?"

He frowned and looked me up and down.
" look so amazing Love, your hair..'vat" He sighed, and bit his lip. "I'm sorry..'m being weird. It's just, I wasn't ready for 'vis yet." He frowned.

I ran my hand through his hair, and smiled.
"It's just this one date..okay?" I said, cupping his face for a second.

He clenched his jaw, and nodded.

Before I could say anything else, there was a knock on the door, Marty looked at the ground, as I went to answer the door.

I wasn't surprised to see it was Will, smiling ear to ear.
He bit his lip, and looked me up and down.

"Darling, you look-" He cut himself off, when Marty made his way to the door as well, with his arms crossed, as he glared at Will. "Oh..I wasn't aware you 'ad company." He said, seeming a bit annoyed, as he cocked his brow.

"Oh..don't stop on my account. She does look amazing, she always does." Marty flirted, as he turned his attention to me, and smiled. I couldn't help but blush.
Will turned his attention to me, and smiled, as he took my hand.

"I couldn't agree more.." He smirked, as he kissed my knuckles. "Are you ready 'ta go?" He asked.

I nodded.
"Right behind you." I said, before leaving the room, Marty did as well, and we went to go our separate ways, but right as I was about to follow Will, Marty grabbed my arm, turning my attention to him.

"Promise me, you'll hate it." He frowned, sounding worried.
I pursed my lips together, and nodded in response, before turning away from him, and going with Will.

Marty let out a sigh, and walked off, going to join the rest of his friends.

Will and I made it to our date, a quiet little restaurant in town, he pulled my seat out for me, and sat across from me, smiling softly.

I smiled in return, before remembering how upset Marty was, than I let out a sigh, and cocked my head.
"I have to hate this, just so you know.." I trailed off, causing him to raise his brows.

"Okay, well..'wha 'fings do you hate Darling?" He asked as he leaned forward.

I chuckled, leaning forward as well.
"Why? So you can be sure to do the opposite?" I asked, causing him to smile.

"Well, maybe.." He shrugged. "But, now you've ruined it!" He teased.

I breathed a laugh.
"This would be so much easier, if you weren't so charming, you know.." I smiled, as I started to blush slightly.

"Darling, 'm sorry. I can't just turn it off. It's 'ah gift, 'nd 'ah curse." He flirted. I couldn't help but smile.
I felt guilty for enjoying myself, but how could I not? Most guys would've cancelled the date when they saw I was hanging out with my ex right before it.
"Just give me a chance Darling, you may actually like 'meh."

I nodded, and smiled softly.
"Okay Will, I'll give you a chance." I agreed.


"So..she's out with Will?" Matt asked, after Marty explained why I wasn't there.
Marty nodded in response, still not sure how to feel about it. "I'm sorry man, I really am." Matt continued.

Marty shook his head, and let out a sigh.
"It's fine. It's..kinda my own fault anyway." He started. "But, she did say it was a one time 'fing. And, she promised 'ta hate it, so that's somefing I guess." He shrugged.
The rest of the guys nodded in agreement.

If only either of those things were true...

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