No More Pretending

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I woke up with a smile on my face after what'd happened last night. For the first time in quite a while, I actually saw myself being able to move on. It was a comforting feeling.

"Oh, good morning Y/N."
Will smiled.
I sat up, making sure to cover myself. He'd just finished getting dressed, before he took a seat at the foot of my bed, and rested his hand on my knee.
"Last night, was a lot of fun Darling. Hopefully 'yer still 'inta me, and maybe, it could 'appen again?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

I smiled softly and nodded. "After that, how could I not be into you?" I flirted, blushing slightly.
He smirked, and cocked his brow.

"Well, I love 'va sound 'ov 'vat." He said before kissing me softly on the lips. "You feel like breakfast Darling?" He asked, his tone soft and sweet.

"Absolutely, I'm starving!" I chuckled.

"I guess we really did work up an appetite last night hmm?" He winked. I rolled my eyes, as I grew more embarrassed.

"Will! Come on.." I mumbled, before covering my face with a pillow. He chuckled softly.

"Alright Darling, I'll let you get dressed." He said before exiting the room. 

I removed the pillow, and smiled up at the ceiling. It's been forever since I've felt this excited for a relationship. I'd missed this feeling. I didn't even realize I had until now. But, I didn't wanna let it go anytime soon.


"Marty..I'm sorry.." Matt sighed, after Marty had explained what had happened. Marty said nothing, as he continued to sulk. Nick scoffed at his brother's response, and shook his head, not being able to hide how annoyed he was by Marty's behavior.

"I told you not to go." He shrugged, rolling his eyes.

"Did you know?" Marty whined as he furrowed his brows, and Matt shot Nick a dirty look for being so direct.

Nick sighed, and shook his head.
"No. I didn't know. But, I'd hoped." He admitted. His answer obviously only upset Marty more. He exhaled sharply. "Marty, I don't know what you want from me. I can't be on your side with this. I'm sorry that you're hurt, and that you regret your mistake, but you did make one. You have to live with it."

Marty rubbed his eyes.
"I'm aware 'ov 'wha happened Nick. I was there. I want her 'ta be happy. I'm just afraid she'll realize she doesn't even want 'ta speak 'ta me anymore. I'm afraid 'ov really losing her."

"You're not gonna lose her.." Matt assured him. "But, as much as I hate to say this, you have to stop looking at her like she's yours. That's the only way you two are gonna be able to stay friends."

Marty nodded. "You're right. Both 'ov you.." He took a deep breath, and rubbed his forehead. "I just wish she didn't 'ave 'ta move on 'wif him 'ov all people.." He trailed off, before walking out.

Matt and Nick shared a glance, not knowing what else to say.

I left my room, and Will smiled as he helped me put on my jacket.
"You look beautiful, as always." He flirted.

"Ah, such a gentleman!" I teased, chuckling softly.

"Well Darling, I thought I owed it 'ta you. I don't 'fink I was such a gentleman last night." He said as he laced his hand with mine.
I couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, anything but 'gentle' indeed. But, I'm definitely not complaining." I flirted, before biting my lip, trying to hide my smile.
He chuckled before pressing his lips to mine, as he opened the door.

When we pulled away, we saw Marty, blocking our path and about to knock on my door before Will had answered it. He cleared his throat, and slid his hands in his pockets.
Will looked at me and smiled softly.

"I'll..wait for you outside Darling." He said, in a hushed tone before walking past Marty.

Marty walked in frowning at his feet. My face fell. I guess I should have expected this to happen, with how good things had been going, why wouldn't it?

"Love..I already knew. I saw last night when I was gonna come talk 'ta you. I don't know why I assumed he wouldn't be ''s-it's pretty obvious 'wha happened." He finally said, his tone hushed. He tried to cover it by breathing a laugh but even that was weak.
"I didn't come here 'ta make you feel bad or anyfing..I thought I should clear 'va air, and..I-um-I'm sorry Love..I wanted 'ta be better about 'vis. But, I can't.." He shrugged, refusing to look me in the eyes.

I felt horrible. I didn't know how to respond to that. I wasn't gonna apologize for being with someone else, but I also didn't like to see Marty hurt like this.

"Marty, listen. I like Will, I really like him. And, for the first time since you-"
I cut myself off, and took a deep breath as I started to tear up, I never really discussed this with him, because it hurt too bad. Sure, we talked a bit. But, it was a brief conversation before a breakup. Then I pretended like it didn't happen the way it did, but I was so sick of doing that.
"Since you cheated on me, with some girl, you'd never even met before that night." I said, showing anger and frustration for the first time.
"So yes, I went out with Will a few times after that first date..and I think I'm kind of with him. I'm sorry you found out the way you did..but, I don't plan on ending it any time soon."

He nodded, and swallowed the lump in his throat.
"Okay. But Y/N.." He trailed off, wiping his eyes. "W-Why him? 'Ov all people?"

I exhaled sharply.
"You know, those words, sound awfully familiar." I choked out. "It's pretty much exactly what I asked you actually." I added, before cupping his face. "So let me answer you the same way." I cleared my throat, and shrugged.
"I don't know what you want me to say..I'm sorry." I said, my voice monotone, before I wiped tears from my eyes.

"Y/N.." He trailed off, as he rested his hands on my waist and started to tear up as well. I took a deep breath and shook my head, before patting his face away lightly.

"Let yourself out please." I said, before walking out, and slamming my door as I did so.

I tried to keep myself together, but that was so much built up frustration and anger, I couldn't just go about having a normal day after that. But, I didn't wanna bother Will with something I should've dealt with a long time ago.
I tried to keep myself together when I met up with Will.

"Are you okay Darling?" He asked, sensing there must've been something wrong.
I faked a smile and nodded.

"Yeah..I-I'm fine. Marty was just.." I trailed off, not even knowing quite how to finish that sentence. I started to tear up again.
"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't bother you with this.." I said wiping my tears.
He pulled me into a hug.

"You're not 'bovering me Darling." He smiled. "I really like you, in case 'ya haven't noticed." He chuckled.

I couldn't help but smile.
"Thanks Will..I really like you too." I flirted, thankful he was still so understanding. He ran his hand through my hair, and breathed a laugh.

"That's good 'ta hear Y/N. Do you..wanna talk about this?" He asked. I hesitated for a second. I hadn't really talked to anyone about how it happened, or what I felt when it did. The only person who really knew anything was Nick. But, I nodded. For once I actually felt ready to.

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