Moved On

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"Have you talked to her since she went out with Will?"
Matt asked, Marty shook his head in response.

"I 'fink I'm just afraid she's gonna tell me it went well. I can't hear 'vat right now.." He explained.
Matt nodded in response.

"Have you thought about trying to talk this thing out? Maybe you two could work it out, and get back together. You're obviously still in love with her." He stated.

Marty shook his head.
"I don't know if 'vat's such a good idea.." He trailed off.

"You'll never know if you don't try." Matt shrugged, before turning his attention to Nick. "What do you think? You know her better than I do."
Nick let out a sigh, and shook his head.

"You don't wanna know what I think." He sighed, shaking his head. "I still can't believe what you did. I'm surprised she still talks to you."

Marty frowned, and shook his head.
"You're right Nick.." He mumbled, before walking off.

Matt rolled his eyes, and smacked his younger brother on the shoulder.
"What is wrong with you?! You ruined them getting back together!"

Nick rolled his eyes, and exhaled sharply.
"Um..Matt. I'm the one who set them up, I set him up with my best friend, and he cheated on her. So, no. I don't really want him to break her heart again, now that she's starting to move on." He explained.

Matt sighed, and shook his head. "Nick, he made a mistake. We know that. But..he loves her, and wants to fix things."
He replied.

Nick scoffed, and rolled his eyes.
"If he loved her, he'd let her be happy. Even if it was with Will." He argued, crossing his arms.

Matt let out a disappointed sigh.
"I guess you're right. I do miss them being together though." He said, causing Nick to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, they were great before it happened." He frowned.


"I'm glad you decided to see me again." Will smiled, kissing the temple of my head, as we swung our laced hands back and forth on the walk back to my apartment. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Yeah, me too.." I smiled, before biting my lip.

We'd been out on a couple dates now, but hadn't really told anyone, I was thankful he understood why I wasn't ready.

"So, Darling, if you don't mind me asking, what happened with Marty? Why'd you two break up?" He asked.

"He-um-he cheated on me.."  I frowned, remembering how bad it hurt. He stopped in his tracks, seeming confused.

"He cheated..? On you?" He asked, sounding shocked. I nodded in response, breathing a laugh. He shook his head as we continued to walk. "I'm's just hard 'ta believe. I shouldn't 'ave asked." He said softly.

I smiled, and shook my head.
"'s fine. I probably should talk about it sometime. Nick says I should anyway." I chuckled, shrugging slightly.

"How do you manage 'ta stay friends 'wif him?" He asked.

"Well..that just might be the worst part of the whole thing." I sighed. "He's the only guy I've ever been serious with. was just easier to pretend like we just broke up, it's stupid, I know that. But, I guess it was hard to believe he'd literally throw our relationship away for some girl he didn't even know.." I explained, before shaking my head.
"I kinda blamed myself. I guess that's why I haven't slept with anyone since I broke up with him." I chuckled.

Will cocked his brow.
"Really? No one?" He flirted.

" one besides Marty." I mumbled, causing Will to look at me in shock, and breathe a laugh. "Okay, I know, it's stupid. But, I wasn't ready to be with anyone else! It's hard to have a one night stand with someone when you just start crying and talking about why you 'can't do this.' apparently it's a turn off." I chuckled.

"For what it's worth Y/N, I'd listen to you cry if you really needed to." He smiled, as he let go of my hand so that he could put his arm around me. I bit my lip as I started to blush.

"Maybe I don't need to cry about it anymore..maybe I'm ready for a one night stand.." I trailed off, before wrapping my arms around him, resting my hands on his abdomen, then looking him up and down. "Or, maybe more than that. I flirted, causing him to smile.

"Really Darling?" He winked, as we made it to my building.

I licked my lips before smirking, and cocking my head.  "Maybe.." I shrugged. I tried to seem confident, but truth be told, I was beyond nervous.
I really liked Will, so much that it kinda scared me.
I was worried I was gonna get hurt again.

When we made it to my door, I leaned against it, and crossed my arms as I smiled softly.
"This is my stop." I said, he breathed a laugh, and kissed my forehead.

"Night Darling." He whispered, before pulling away.

I don't know why, but for some reason, I had a boost of confidence, and grabbed his arm, pulling him into a kiss.
I cupped his face, as he ran his hands down my lower back, and pulled me closer to him.
It felt amazing to be kissed like this again, it felt like it'd been forever.
It was different than Marty's kiss though. When he would kiss me, it didn't feel like he was a hundred percent there.

Now I know why.

It wasn't always like that, sure. But, I wasn't thinking about any of it now.

We pulled away to take a breath, we both smiled, as I pressed my forehead to his.
"D-Do you wanna come inside?" I breathed, causing his smile to grow, he nodded in response.

"Are you sure about 'vis?" He asked, I bit my lip, and nodded.

He smirked, before crashing his lips back into mine, and pressing me up against the door.

Of course, both of us were too busy to realize Marty had ignored Nick's advice, and was going to come talk to me anyway, but then he saw me with Will, and his face dropped, as he shook his head, and walked off. Wishing he wouldn't have came at all.

I reached around to open my door, before he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his torso, and we retired to my bedroom. We fell back on my bed, and he sat up on his knees so that he could remove his shirt.

I couldn't help but stare, which only caused his smirk to grow as he began to undo his belt, and remove his pants. He started to kiss my neck, as he pressed his body back into mine.

"I think I should probably remove my clothes too, you know.." I breathed, before grabbing his shoulders, and flipping myself on top. He smiled up at me, as he rested his hands on my bare thighs, before sliding them up the dress I was wearing.

"No arguments 'ere, Darling." He winked.

I smiled as I took it off, and threw it on the ground.
His hands travelled up from my thighs, to my waist, and up to my lower back, then he unhooked my bra, and threw that to the ground as well, then my underwear followed it.
His face lit up as he studied my body.

"Wow, Darling.." He flirted, causing me to feel more confident about this whole thing.
I chuckled slightly, as I began to tug at his boxers. He smirked. "Ah, I take it you wanna speed 'fings up?" He winked. I breathed a laugh, before biting my lip.

"Oh yeah, you could say that." I winked.
He smirked, before rolling himself back on top, and kissing my neck.

"Then let's get started." He smiled, before kissing down my chest, and abdomen, then wrapping my legs around his shoulders, as I started to pull his hair.

The weirdest thing was, I didn't feel bad for this. Not even a little bit.

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